Wednesday, January 27, 2016


 Compiled by Olivier Colpart

Lou Baldin has reached the public through threads opened on the American website Above Top Secret (ATS). He has written several books, most of them are about UFOs and extraterrestrials.

Under the username Sleeper, he opened those threads in order to voluntarily answer questions from internet users who had read his first books (A Day with an extraterrestrial and In League with a UFO) and to widely develop the information of his "alien contact" that Lou baptized Milton.

His two major threads, "Are ETs as real as the nose on your face?" and "I'm coming clean on extraterrestrials" met certain success on ATS, also attracting many skeptics who vainly persisted to debunk his words and tried to make a crook out of him.

His various treads and blogs exceeded two thousand pages of questions and answers to this day. This guide is an attempt to concentrate the vast majority of his answers and revelations under themes. 

Happy reading

Note: This guide only contains about 50% of all Lou Baldin's answers that can be found on treads and blogs, and nothing from his books. It will be completed over time by other answers but already contains the bulk of it. 

Contents in this blog have been collected from various websites, blogs, threads and forums by Lou Baldin, and were published between 2006 and 2008. This material is raw and unedited and has not been reviewed by Lou Baldin. 

I                / INTRODUCTION  

      About me
      My Life
      ETs and me o Milton
      My Family
      My Story & Mission o About A day with an ET
      About the Truth
      About Skeptics


1.      Universe
2.      Our solar system
a.       The Sun
b.      The Moon
c.       Jupiter
d.      Saturn
e.       Mars
f.       Uranus
g.       Pluto
h.      Venus
i.        Mercury
3.      Big Bang
4.      Black Holes
5.      Black Matter
6.      Time
a. Time Travel 7. Dimensions


V             / LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE


1.      Extraterrestrials / Aliens
2.      Alien conflicts & Renegades
3.      Hybrids
4.      UFOs
5.      About the book "In league with a UFO"
6.      Alien bases
7.      Area 51 & Roswell 
8.      Dulce
9.      Army, Government & Aliens
10.  Men in Black
11.  Crop Circles




1.      Subconscious
2.      Meditation & Enlightment
3.      Dreams
4.      Psychics & Channelers


Magic, Witchcraft, Esoteric


1.      Human Science
a.       NASA
b.      Ufology
2.      Alien Technology


1.      9/11 & Middle-East
2.      New World Order & Secret Societies
3.      Secret societies
4.      Black Ops & Secret Ops


1. Ghosts & Poltergeist


1.      Monuments and Ancient sites
2.      Dinosaurs
3.      Wars


1.      Prophecies
2.      Planet X / Nibiru
3.      2012
4.      End of the World
5.      Future of Mankind
6.      Climate Changes & Natural Disasters


1.      DNA & Blood
2.      Drugs


Lou Baldin's Books

- I -



About me

Why the username Sleeper? 
When I signed up to ATS website, I entered many words and names the one I have is the one that took.

I don’t consider myself psychic, I don’t meditate or go into a trance or use chicken bones, nor do I read the star charts to predict the future.

I have a political slant, I am the opposite of aliens, i am very political in my views.
I’m not straight line conservative politically speaking, mostly in the commonsense issues like personal responsibility, standing on your own two feet, and things that count for the long term, like eternity because life is forever and we carry our baggage with us wherever we go.
That’s why some of us sink into the bottomless quagmire of hopelessness. Know any people like that? This world is filled with them.

I’m not a religious person so that’s not where I’m going with this.
I was a Catholic, and when I married I changed my religion to one of the protestant ones---the one my wife and children belong to-----I even thought my children to be good Christians---yet I do not adhere to any religion or secular beliefs.
My mother was very Catholic in her beliefs and I did believe in Christianity but I never was good at it----I went to church as a child but stopped when I became a teenager----I started back up when I had children just to give them something to chew on.
I was never afraid of going to hell----it never made sense to me that a loving father---god---would send his children to eternal damnation----I never discussed religion with my parents---they had their beliefs and I had mine.
I respect Christians----my family is Christians---I raised two children in the Christian beliefs---they go to Church every Sunday.

I would say my Christian beliefs have been upgraded to a higher operating version--- I did three or four years in Catholic grade school---the best education I ever received, discipline goes a long way in the learning department---lol
I was raised a Catholic and my Christian confirmation name is Michael.
I did go to the church while my children were growing up to give them a sense of community and love for others.

I am not a Scientologist, nor do I prescribe to any earth religions or beliefs---but I’m also not against most of them.
I’m not Scientology; they have attacked me many times as have others

I did not dabble in the occult.

I don't meditate.
While in college I did some bio feedback that helped me relax, but I don’t have the patience to meditate anymore---

If you are asking if I take drugs----I do----an aspirin once in a while, and I have a glass of wine with my meals---one glass.
I am not allowed to take drugs.

I don’t know my IQ

I’m not concerned about the army tracking me down and putting me out of commission, I’m a veteran, and not in hiding, they “know” where to find me if they want me.
I have experience aliens many times since my army days-----if the military or anyone else is watching me I am not aware of it. Maybe after this they will.

I have never been regressed-----and personally I know it would be pointless----since they can place whatever they wish in our minds.

I have been shown a few things [of what is to come] but for the most part I have to take one day at a time.
I will not returned to this planet for a long time, unless I am sent back or certain other circumstances pull be back
I am planning a long vacation before deciding on my next assignment.

I have no concern about dying----that would be the end of my exile----I came from a truly cool place to this planet---not that I have it bad but it’s a whole lot less than what I had.

In my previous existence I have seen much but nothing as I have been shown while in this life----forgive me if I don’t give details---I don’t have the time---I have to make a living like everyone else.

I have an optimistic outlook on existence and my life.

Life to me is like school there are good times and bad but overall I enjoy the learning curve and look forward to graduation.

The only thing I worship is a good cup of coffee in the morning
I am not a scientologist. I'm a Contactee, perhaps I should see it that qualifies as a tax exempt religion---
 I don’t share this stuff with those in my social circles.

I have normal dreams---find myself in crowded places in my underwear---so embarrassing---

My health is great; I'm not concerned about anything--- implants and other objects inside of me.

I’m going back to that uninhabitable planet I came from---, but I will take a break first and hang out in a very bright spot near the center of this galaxy, in spirit form---for as long as they allow me.

I was going to be taken at the age of fifty but asked for an extension because I didn’t want to put my children and wife through the anguish---at the very last minute they extended my stay--don’t know for how long but I can go anytime I want, my family is what is keeping me here. I’m not going to take my family with me, they are on different paths and we are not due to cross paths again for some time, so they cannot go with me.
I did know the date of my original departure which was a few years ago, but it got extended for reasons I’m not complete sure about. Don’t know my next departure window yet.  I don’t know when I’ll be departing from this earth. 

I have my occasional cup of Java, and a drink of wine at dinner---that’s about all my head can take---lol
As far as raising my vibrations I use to do it with regular coffee---and have since switched to decafe---I don’t like the higher vibrations---

I love nature and spend many hours walking in it---preferably alone.

I like nonfiction and history books.
I never liked sci-fi books, and may have read one or two my whole life. I like true stories and history books.
I buy all my books and literally have hundreds of them, many I have yet to read---very few are fiction

My source is me and Milton and I hold the Copyright.

Once everyone gets their cut there isn’t much left over for the writer, only those that make it to the top of the sellers list make a living doing it---but I’m not complaining I didn’t get into writing for the money because I have been doing it for many years and have yet to make any, I write because I was asked to write---not told---and I enjoy writing.

About my “soul category”: I’m in voluntary exile---lol

I have a shop in my basement, it’s filled with old radios, something about vacuum tubes and old circuitry gives me goose bumps---lol

I love crusty bread and eat it all the time.

I used to be in construction, built houses, and those glasses and several other pairs have saved my eyes from flying nails out of nail guns and wood splinters and other shrapnel in the heat of battle at constructions sites.
The pair I have now are much smaller but they too have been marred by molten copper when I was doing some rewiring in my basement and I cut into a live wire.
So my eyeglasses have served me well---

What question do I most want the answer to?
Why do any of us merit being born into this magical universe?
Milton tried to explain it to me once and my mind went blank from overload---it’s such a strange deal the brain locks up---Milton said I had to upgrade my spirit-ware before I could run that advanced program, concept---

It’s no secret that there are people who don’t like me---lol

There are a couple of possibilities for my next hangout but they will not tell me until the last minute--- I’m on borrowed time since my stay here was extended a few years ago by my request. Therefore my options have changed, and now my time of departure will determine where I go from here.
Don’t let my lack of enthusiasm and casual sentence demeanor fool you---I write this way so as not to appear hyperbole in my descriptions because I’m already way out there for most people’s taste.

I have no collaborators, or links to substantiate my claims, experiences, or points of view. My info is from my perspective and no one needs believe any of it. I’m not here to change the world---lol

I am emotionally comfortable in my life and I don’t have anxieties.
 I have to get out and earn a living; Miltie is no help in that department.

I’m 54, and my last human physical was in 1973 by the military when my stint was up. I don’t have a physician; never have other than when I was in the service. As a teenager and a young adult I smoked and drank with the best and worst of them, but two years before my first daughter was born ETs told me to stop smoking and reduce my drinking. I did. Now a glass of wine or two is all I do.

I don’t want to write fiction, and I’m working on how to get way out there while remaining within a degree of respectable reality---if there even is such a thing.

I have lots of trees on my property, my neighbors on both sides of me have none---they told me it’s because they don’t like raking the leaves in the fall---yet they end up raking more
leaves than I do because most of my leaves end up in their yards--- Yet they still talk to me---lol

I’m not coming back here on earth to live, but I will visit now and then in one of those ufo gizmos.

I expect nothing [from people to believe in me]

I don’t have the time to read every book out there, I’m doing good if I can read two or three books a year, I’m not a speed reader and it takes me awhile to get through a book.
Besides I don’t read books about ET and UFOs because I have firsthand knowledge.
I read plenty, just not as much as I would like, I have hundreds of books but books are only one avenue for the printed word---we have this thing called the internet, journals, newspapers and a host of other media to keep people like me busy---on top of that I have written and published books, have written countless manuscripts that are still first drafts, dozens of other half completed manuscripts, and a first draft screenplay which is my ATS blog.

I have sold hundreds of books all from word of mouth, I have never advertised, or did seminars or talk shows, therefore very few people know me.
I self-published and the libraries in my state bought many of my books---that was the only time I actually made a profit because they paid list price and they ordered directly from me. One of my books has been on for ten years regardless of the sales numbers---and I often find my books in book stores.
There is also something called POD print on demand, which is the way many books are going in the future, I sell quite a few of my other books that way through Barns and Noble and other bookstores.
I have shipped books around the world and I’m not concerned about them making me immortal---I’m already immortal---so are you btw.
I have never made a penny on a book yet I have sold thousands of them. Making money from selling books is a myth; only 3% of writers make a living selling books---the rest like me have to earn a living so that we have the money to spend on publishing our books.

I’m human, with a thirty year mortgage, who fills up his gas tank with the same expensive fuel as everyone else. I raised two children that are grown up now; I have a sweet wife, and the extended family on both sides, I mow the lawn once a week and take frequent walks at the local park---this morning after typing this I will get my car inspected and renew my license tags---afterward I might meet the wife for lunch---if she’s lucky---lol

I have no obligation to tell my experiences or answer questions, I can stop anytime I want.
Truthfully I don’t look forward to finishing all those books I have started, or writing more--this is hard work especially since I don’t have to do any of it.

I’m not the poster child of integrity, I am human and have to deal with all those things humans have to deal with----and I sure peddle that “integrity” thing a lot on this thread don’t I?
Anyway I do the best I can when it comes to integrity, even though I was only a boy scout for about a week when I was ten, until they arrested our scoutmaster for racketeering and shut the whole thing down---and we ended up roaming the streets----looking for trouble----and found plenty of it----sorry for that side anecdote---
Where was I---oh yeah---not only have I told the truth but I haven’t even scratched the surface of most of the truth that remains hidden from most humans--- scout's honor.

Me personally, I like hot weather but I’m sure glad that the “gods” created air-conditioning for us monkeys down here!

What level of human Am I? 
I’m many notches below the janitorial crew---or more appropriately known as maintenance engineers---

Do I know who or what I will be when I expire here on earth? I’m still negotiating that---so are you.

I have been around a few and then some.
I have been on this planet more than once.

My serenity doesn’t perturb easily------but my serenity certainly perturbs others---

I’m neither a psychiatrist nor physician therefore not qualified to speak on such matters. 

Why was I picked to be enlightened about this true reality that I speak of?
Certainly not for my peachy personality------my uncle Guido got hold of one of them flying saucers that landed in his back yard----back in Italy when I was still a kid, and when ET came out of the ship and asked “take me to your leader” he took him to the local Don, who made the two ETs in the ship an offer they couldn’t refuse---and the rest is history.
Some of them, like Uncle Guido, have a purpose and a job---it takes a special kind of guy to be able to stuff a bloody body into the back of a car trunk still alive and then sit down to a huge plate of pasta and bottle of wine, and then a noon nap before finishing the job of disposing the body later that night.
Why do I think their brains were hardwired with cruelty in the first place? 
To entice others to cruelty---notice that movies and shows like the Sopranos are number one. All of us crave blood and power---all we need do is delve deep into hate and envy and we can have it all---right?
Lots of sting operations going on as we speak.

Were my construction skills and writing talents from previous existences? I got them while here.

You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt what awaits after death. You have the knowledge to keep yourself on track.
I do have that “unfair advantage”, that’s why I do what I do even knowing that “most” will laugh at me and think me a kook---
I was born with my eyes wide open----which is both benefit and burden.

I’m not vegetarian, although I like vegetables too---

I'm am Libra.

I remember my trip to earth in a ship as if it happened yesterday, I have always known to one degree or other about the other side, and there are many other sides to the galactic coin

Do black ops still keep tabs on me?
Oh yeah

I’m allowed some info on my own “family”.

I’m not ready for primetime, or perhaps primetime is not ready for me---
Prime Time is not ready for a "broad brushed drip", nor does anyone really want it, or need it for that matter.

I’m not very good at making money and have only lost several thousands of US dollars---since I got in this crazy get rich quick money making scheme, back in 1997 when my first book came out.
I wish I could do it for free, or at least break even, but apparently nothing is free, and it is costing me plenty to get this free info out.

I still have dreams, not much but yes.

Are you untouchable since you know Milton and retribution would follow? Hey, I’m Italian, we don’t believe in retribution.

I’m discouraged from taking any drugs even prescriptions. And my wife and children do the same for the most part.

Do I fear the unknown? Well if it’s unknown then what is to fear?

I know some about my past but not all---there is a lot to know but I don’t need to know it all.

Let's say you work for a big company and have several bosses, how would you look at them knowing what you know? I have worked for bosses and I did the job I was paid to do. I don’t feel superior for the simple fact that I know I’m not----
I’m actually a regular Joe and not the “sleeper guy” that I am on this thread.

We can change gender, but it never occurred to me to do so. I don't recall ever being female in the few lives that I do remember.

I'm human and I have to roll with the punches, which is not easy since Milton is short and hits below the belt.

I'm not much of a psychic

When you lived in ancient Roman, maybe you were taken to visit places in our solar system and beyond, is that right?
These planets were related at the Roman style living?
The Roman style living as was true with Greek and Egyptian was far superior than most realize today.

My name is not sleeper or Lou, those are temporary names. Earth names are temporary.

I would never do regression and I never have. 

How many past lives can you recall? A couple (can’t say anymore).

What do you consider yourself?
I'm simply one soul out of endless bazillions of other souls, and I go by Lou or Luigi for now.

Is this your first time in America? If it's not, when were you there last time?
It's not my first time in America, that's all.
How does it feel to remember all those things? Do you recognize yourself or do you feel that they are completely different people altogether?
I'm only allowed a few peeks.

My dad had a wine press in the house and grapevines in the backyard. We were poor but we had wine lol. I visited Italy in 2001, the first and last time since we moved to America, and got the grand family tour. Wine, fantastic food and more wine and more fantastic food day and night for a month. It took me a year or more to recoup and re-acclimate when I came back. They certainly know how to live over there, but considering how reckless they drive, must be all that wine they drink.

My first language is Italian, and was so up into my teens. I still speak Italian but my dreams are in English. Apparently English is a universal language.

Can you name three politicians, past or present, that you really respect?
Truman, Kennedy, Reagan.

What do you enjoy the most here in 3D?
The four seasons are really cool.

Have you ever been to England?
Technically no.

My life

I was born in 1952 and I did a three year stint in the US army, not sure if that qualifies as ex civil servant. 

I am Italian, born in Italy, grew up in the states. US citizen. I was born a few years after WW2.

This should stir the pot; I was dropped off on this planet on Oct. 7, 1952, in a small Italian village---where I lived in dirt poor poverty for several years----wasn’t I special--- More like punishment---

I was born in Italy, my parents move to America a few years after WW2 and became citizens. I was a US citizen through them and eligible for the draft----I choose to enlist.

I have some college.

Those hands have not had it easy, I have been in construction for 35 years as a carpenter and have built many houses in freezing winter weather and roasted during the hot summer months. I have also built lots of free houses for Habitat for Humanity-----those were the hardest on me----working with amateurs can age you before your time.

Once upon a time I was in the United States Army and I not only seen alien space ships UFOs, but I was in one.

The military never told me why they gave me access to the ship---my guess they didn't know. My military rank and clearance had nothing to do with my involvement with the aliens; it came about because of my previous contact with aliens from childhood. My clearance to enter the ships was from the aliens, not the military. I was not a military experiment taking drugs and having hallucinations. The military was curious of my involvement with the aliens ---- they know aliens are real. The military brass never gave me permission to enter the ship even when it was on a military installation----it wasn’t theirs to give, they accepted it.
The military knows more than I do, they also know how helpless they are in comparison to the aliens-----the worst part they only have contact with a few of the visitors to this planet.

While in Italy during my early years of life, post WW2, I was in ships that flew into space in a blink of an eye and I saw earth and the other planets from these ships----looking through portholes. Those were my first experiences----Italy was like a Third World country at the time, devastated by war----the village I lived in had no radios, televisions, or any concepts of space travel----bicycles and horses were the main form of transportation.
Years later in American I was in the military in the early seventies----I was privy to much of the leading edge technology we had, ----the SR-71 spy-plane used for reconnaissance over Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, and the USSR was secret and leading edge technology at the time----the general public wouldn’t know of it for many years after the war was over. The SR-71 was a toy in comparison to what I was flying in back in the early nineteen fifties, many years before the SR-71 was even on the drawing board.

While in the military overseas I was in a severe car accident ET stepped in and fixed me and the other occupant up and left before the police and ambulances came----we were in perfect condition without a scratch----the car was a mangled twisted pile of metal----I was the driver and it was my fault----the passenger didn’t remember anything that happened but couldn’t believe we were alive and unhurt.

I lived in a small village with no modern conveniences, televisions and radios and books of fiction didn’t exist for us-----there is no way my mind could have created what I experience without having some reference-----like TV, books and stories. My parents didn’t and don’t believe in ET, so they didn’t tell me stories. And how would they have described a fantastical ship when the bicycle was our main form of transportation.

I never had a near death experience-----I experienced it while alive----in a ship----those things call UFOs.

I was involved with some secret military stuff, many of us were during that war but it had nothing to do with the aliens that I was aware of.
I was in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos [wars]; I never said where I was sent to----or what I did, for reason I would rather not elaborate on.
I was never debriefed by the military because I never entered the ships on behalf of the military or the government.
Besides, they didn’t trust me to tell them what they wanted to know.

There is nothing spectacular about my military service, I enlisted in January of 1970 and my tour ended three years later in 1973. My rank was spec 4, primary mos was tank crewmen, secondary mos was supply. My basic training was in fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

I was stationed in Fort Knox, Kentucky, Fort Ord California, Fort Hood, Texas, and did a tour in Okinawa. 
I was stationed at several military installations, I received my joy rides more than once and at more than one base. I was able to observe the exterior of the ship on a military base----not going to mention which one for obvious reasons. 
But entering the alien ship took place mostly away from military bases, and I found myself inside them, in other words I didn’t walk into them, I was taken into them. The ship I remember the most about had corridors. 
There was a main corridor that circled around the main compartment like a hallway separating the portholes or viewing area from the interior of the ship. 
I was able to walk around the interior circumference and look out of the ship from the many portholes. Never noticed it they were tinted, the view was crystal clear. The ship was not a large open space, there were rooms or compartments. 
I never seen the engine or propulsion system, I’m guessing that it was magnetic because in certain parts of the ship I could feel a strong energy force around my body, electrical or something like it, difficult to put into words.

During my military days I was involved in a near fatal accident, someone ran me off the road while stationed somewhere overseas.
My car was a mangled heap of junk with the doors crumpled shut---by the time the authorities arrive I was standing outside of the car without a scratch---before the local authorities could question me the military showed up and took me away---without any questions---and returned me to my off base apartment.

I’ve had a hard life but overall I have been blessed big time---lucky bugger works for me---lol

Back in 1957 we moved to America and Paterson NJ was the first place we lived---moved away two years later. 
I was very young when we lived there but I remember a convent behind our apartment. My brother, cousin and I spent many days driving the nuns’ crazy; we got into their flower gardens and they didn’t like it. There was also a waterfall near us because I could hear it even from inside our house. We hunted for frogs and turtles at the lake. I have many good memories of Paterson and a place called Midville?
The preacher that married my wife and I is named Paterson---he retired afterward---come on there is some mysterious meaning here---lol
Patterson is only reserved for those bad asses I talked about earlier--- 

In 1970 I was in the army training for combat, not for Vietnam but here in the US, thousands of us were on the tarmac in Fort Hood, Texas waiting orders to load up on military cargo planes and be shipped off to Chicago.
Those orders never came and they sent us overseas instead.

When I lived in post war Italy food was hard to come by and we ate pigeons now and then--people actually came around selling them---chickens were for the wealthy and rare in our part of town.

I grew up in poverty in Italy, and when we came to America my dad’s business failed and we were back to square one, I had to join the army to get three meals and some shoes without holes in them. Until I joined the army I went to bed hungry for seventeen straight years.

I’ve had two of my own business fail---but overall I still consider my life a blessing---my point, a lot of us get dragged through the hot coals of life---I didn’t think I was sent here for punishment or to learn a lesson yet I got both.

I missed out on the Age of Aquarius back in the sixties due to poverty and the rough neighborhood I grew up in. I joined the army as a way out of it. Didn’t do the hippy thing, pure survival was my goal. I was never much of a dreamer because life was hard and real. But unlike many of my friends, and later army buddies I never feared death, and ironically I outlived most of them.
I have always been aware on one level or other of extraterrestrial beings in my life but didn’t quite understand why until later in my years. I’ve never been regressed never needed to because my experiences have been clear and memorable, the few they allowed me at the beginning.
As I got older more memories were left intact and that’s why I decided to write about them. Still, I’m not a new-ager trying to bring enlightenment to the world, I tell my real story, and answer some questions that I’m privy to.
I find it curious how many people can’t make the mental leap that souls, extraterrestrials, afterlife and what we see as magic----as real. To me it’s so obvious, and I’m as straight and level headed as they come with zero flights of fantasy. 

I’m not sure that I’m here to learn anything but I definitely had to endure plenty.
I came down to earth from utopiaville what more could they do to me? I should have read the fine print---
I was dropped of in war ravaged Italy after the Second World War, we moved to the states where I grew up in poverty in a part of town that the police feared coming into, where people were shot and stuffed into car trunks over unpaid gambling debts.
Where on more than one occasion walking home from school I found myself dodging bullets from gun fights between gangsters. My first job I was nine years old and whatever I made I gave to my mother, I have worked ever since. I joined the army at seventeen to avoid going to jail because of the thugs I hung out with, and for a pair of shoes that didn’t have holes in them---lol
I had a hard life, and some of my friends were the spawn of Satan, criminals looking to outdo each other just for kicks. It was in those days that I received my first assignments, because I was on the inside of the gang I was able to keep certain crimes against individuals from taking place, I did the same while in the army.
The hate and evil that swirled all around me never rubbed off on me and I remained above it while in the midst of it---but I had plenty of reason to fall, I was always hungry, always cold in the winter, in grade school I was made fun of because of my language differential, and my clothes were shabby, there was no shortage of people trying to hurt me or bring me down to their level.
I trudged through plenty of darkness, the real stuff, because my memory of who I was was blocked.

I spent a year at a Jesuit college, but moved on to one that wasn’t so expensive. I had veteran’s benefits that paid for my schooling but I still couldn’t afford to pay that tuition. I have regretted it, the teaching was superb.

When our bakery went under all our utilities were turned off except for the water. We lived on stale bread and coffee heated with a candle for more than a month. We were poor in Italy but we had family for back up over there, but here in the US we had no friends after we lost everything, not even welfare because we were not citizens yet---nor the money to go back to Italy. I lived in poverty until I joined the army.

I was raised by clueless parents, clueless teachers, in a clueless society that views anyone who has invisible associates as a menace to society------my life has never been a cakewalk.

In Europe starvation and sickness was an affliction of the aftermath of the First World War, Germany suffered more because they lost that war---and were cut-off economically by the other countries---which was the seed planted for the Second World War.
Both my parents lost all of their teeth shortly after they moved to America from Italy because of malnutrition and hardship that was rampant in Europe after the second war.

On your Viet Nam stint: Were you black op?
I was regular army with a side order of the covert---black ops like the mafia doesn’t exist. Any chance you could tell us about some of the things you did in there? Or is it above top secret? 
Let’s put it this way, they don’t give out medals nor punishment for those involved---because they don’t exist---

My parents were very smart but neither of them picked up the English language until their latter years. Not soon enough to be helpful to me. Many in the neighborhood spoke Italian so the need was not immediate.
Although my dad was given a book by immigration so that he could learn enough English to take the citizenship test, and he would sit at the dinner table reciting “How now brown cow” over and over again that I had nightmares about brown cows even though I didn’t quite know what a brown cow was at the time.

When I lived in Italy as a young boy, my dad devised a way to keep me out of the basement, where he had his tools. He had me follow him to the basement door, and he would open it and a hand reached out and grabbed him and pulled him down the stairs. He would yell and beg for help. I was five at the time and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a broom and hit the hand that was holding my father until it let go of him.
Years later he told me that the hand was his, and they use to get some good laughs with me, even inviting the neighbors over to watch. But at the time I was horrified by that beast in the basement, and the hairs on the back of my neck still stand up whenever I think about it--- Dreams are real places, just as real as the stunt my dad pulled on me---he did it to make a point and leave an impression, and they “ETs” do likewise.

My kids are grown up and on their own for the most part.

When I was a young lad of ten to fourteen years of age my dad dug a basement under our house and he had me carry buckets of dirt out into the yard. He always told me just ten buckets and then you can go play. After the ten buckets there was ten more and by the end of the night I ended up carrying more than a hundred bucks of dirt, two five gallon buckets at a time. In grade school, my arms looked like those of Popeye the Sailor Man.

ETs and me

I have no idea why I am involved with the aliens-----but it began from the first day I was born----and possibly before-----I have vivid memories of my early contacts----not sure what I can talk about. The military did not select me----they knew about me----before I knew about them. 

My experience began before I was born on this planet. I don’t know if I came from another planet or if they took me out of my mother’s womb during her abduction (no one in my family believes in aliens including my mother). My mental awareness was not that of a child but near to that of an adult. The ship I was in was all over the place like I was being given a tour of the solar system before they dropped me off or returned me to my mother’s belly.

I remember leaving this solar system and then returning. It was like a train ride I could see planets in the distance some shrouded in the haze of the sun as we made our approach to the earth----at that time I did not know that the planet I was looking at was earth and my new home? The glare of the sun did not bother my eyes---presumably the glass or whatever it was blocked out harmful radiation.

I haven’t had any bad experiences while I was young, I played with others my age inside the ship, sometimes it was parked above earth other times it flew around the solar system and we got to look out thought the portholes.

My ET knowledge came mostly while out of the military----in other words my military service didn’t interfere with my ET contacts.

English is not my native language but that’s the medium ETs use with me.

I saw earth from space more than once-----not a dream, not an illusion. When I was very young some fifty years ago before the USSR and the US put people into orbit, before any television shows like Star Trek, and many alien movies, and books-----I was running around a space ship with other children----I often looked out the ship and saw huge globes hanging in the darkness of space.

My experience that I described while in the military happened thirty-five years ago, I have advanced a tad since then---a few more privileges have been made available to me.

I have been aware of ET for all of my life----I even remember then dropping me off on this planet.

Nevertheless, for the first four decades of my life I didn’t want to know about them and I did my best to block them out of my life----totally impossible.
They have literally taken me kicking and screaming into a life I didn’t want----in short they forced me to clean up my act----I wasn’t always the nice guy I am today…..

Evil beings wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble to make me respectable…..or would they?

What these ETs have shown me leaves no doubt in my mind that they are on the same level as deities-----they are not out there trying to figure things out-----their cities are beyond fantastic---everything is magic-----and love radiates from everything including them----when they don’t have their bad face on----which they only put on while on earth.

I didn’t want to divulge this but here goes----I get their communications from my bowl of cereal every morning----just like Gonzo did in Muppets from Space-----well, maybe not. We are in the same place when they give me the info.

Maybe I am a mixture of whatever concoction the aliens implanted in my mother's womb and taken on several test runs around the solar system before being let loose on this planet, and they bring me in for an occasional tweak, or checkup, or perhaps to clean the bathrooms on the ships---I don't know.

Once it was over we were split up and sent to new units, names were aliases, but it didn't matter I had no desire to get back in touch.
I’d be surprised if anyone came forward to collaborate, if they are still alive----they were a rough bunch anyway----doubt that they cared about anything.
Aliens can hypnotize anyone, any place, at any time-----those soldiers on the ship were being trained for other things----not sure what.
Others that have seen the ships one would presume would be a few select scientists, government officials, and certain military people.

When I entered the ship there were a few people standing behind what was a protective? Glass partition, no guards near the ship, they were posted outside the building.

Everything is on a need to know basis----if it didn't concern me I wasn't told. It's the best way to keep secrets.

I’m not visited by only one race.
But I don’t know much about the others yet.
Other entities have the fun jobs and my interaction with them remains obscured, I don’t have all the details on them but when they drop in it’s party time and we are off to some exclusive and mysterious destination, I hope they open up to me with more details someday.

They come mostly in the early morning hours (Usually between 2-6 AM) -----I am usually awake in bed. When they enter the room my whole brain becomes electrically aware similar to a florescent bulb when placed in the vicinity of a high energy field----it picks up the energy and lights up, and a loud sound fills my ears----no one hears it but the intended----my wife sleeps right through it, they keep her sleeping.
I have met them during daytime and they were garbed as humans and their energy field affects me---sometimes causing stomach cramps. They affect certain electrical things including my car when I took them places.

There is no preparing that I am aware of-----I have known them my whole life and they still scare the heck out of me, although, I also have comfortable encounters.

I don’t have details but when I have a question in my head they give me round-about answers. The way they do certain things makes it obvious they are bound by rules and policies----those I have contact with are not a band of outlaws----however, alien outlaws probably are out there----humans are not shooting down alien ships.

I don't know which aliens are dealing with me-----I do know that nice friendly ones have----and some very ugly personality types too.

Overall, I don't feel they are malicious----even the ugly ones-----because I believe I leave with a bit more of something after each encounter.

I have experienced more than one alien----don’t know how many-----for some reason I cannot retain what they look like. Most of the time they are not near me but at a distance, and they communicate with me----I don’t ask them questions they know what is on my mind and sometimes they answer.

It faded but I was always aware of my extraterrestrial rides. When I was young my mental state was not altered while in the ship. I was not a prodigy child, I hated school, did bad in all my subjects.

I never ask or know when Milton or others stop by---they come day or night---always unannounced as if this was some kind of clandestine program---lol. My visits are fairly frequent, and they usually end up off earth.

I can ask but don’t always get answers---I have asked about others and only received vague replies on a few---privacy issues---lol

They can make things happen at a faster rate if they want to---I think it's still up in the air what they will do.
They give it to me and others to put out there.
They definitely have a spaced-out sense of humor---which is a good thing believe me; you would not like them if they were mad---lol

I’ve been off planet recently, yes, and every so often---some places are still blanked out.

If I did saw Mars, it remains blocked, but I did a flyby.

I assumed most people understood that ET fixed me, I didn’t fix myself, ---at that time I was not aware that I was repaired by ET, that fact was revealed to me many years after.

I have all my human memories---and overall I have been blessed with two fantastic children and wife---and fantastic times with them----all intact, and many ET memories—the ET ones are equally as real.
What else do we have to go on?

When I was young about a billion years ago---lol, a hole opened in my bedroom wall and they came out of it---talked with me a bit and they took me into the hole---which led into a ship, and then we flew into space---and I wasn’t even allowed to cross the street on my own---lol

I have always been aware of ETs on some level but they started getting busy with me around 1995, and then again in 2004 at the age of fifty. Every time we meet they open up more stuff, the human brain has limits and that’s not where they put the bulk of the info, a lot of it is in the ship, and I have access to some of it via some kind of telepathic hook up---kind of like dish network---lol
I don't remember ever asking for physical contact---they happen out of the blue, day or night--
-Sometimes I’m directed to go for a walk at a park, or nature trail---like in my screenplay.

Two Blue beings came over one morning and rushed me out of my house in a big hurry---put me into their vehicle---ship and took me to a city I was not familiar with---blanked me out and an hour later returned me home---one of my most enjoyable abductions---but I don’t remember why.
I’m a little familiar with them. There are blue entities ---they were small (less than two feet tall) with reptilian and human features, and radiate blissful energy.
They move rapidly like hummingbirds and when they, there were two of them that visited, took my hand I moved at the same rate they did. They took me and brought me back two hours later---I don’t know who or what they are, or why or where they took me.
Blue entities are shy and very hesitant to enter anyone’s private space if they detect the slightest bit of resistance for an encounter.
Even though many don't believe this stuff, they asked me to clam up on certain things they are involved in.
Their heads are large in proportion to their bodies, their eyes are smaller than that of greys. Skin is blue with iridescent white spots.
The blue beings ooze magic and joy and they are still around, really short, not like the tall ones in Vegas.

I have never seen a dark figure---in the beginning they were small and playful beings that simply appeared in my room---as I got older and I tried to block them out of my mind---but they would hit me over the head with a beehive---and take me away. They then started meeting me in human form and we often had lunch at a local restaurant, or met at other public places, or at my home---now anything goes---

Personally I never look for them---and have in the past tried to avoid contact---it is them that intrude into my life---but I’m not complaining now---especially since they opened up things like they did in my blog !

Helping me is secondary [for ETs]

The relationship is extremely complex and becomes more so the more they open up to me.

When I was young and even while in the military I knew just enough about ET to scare me--they were doing things I didn’t quite understand and then they blocked things from me. I tried to drown them out by partying and drinking---then they warned me to cut back---I didn’t listen and they took me behind the shed---so to speak---and it took me a few years to get over that one experience---however, I had changed my reckless behavior soon after that encounter.

I see both worlds, ET’s world and human’s world---which would I choose? Hands down ET baby!

Me and Milton are not Illuminati, Satanist, wife beaters, or child molesters, etc Milton and I do not belong to any secret society or empire or whatever else.

Have the ETs in involvement with me, looking back, only been a positive force in my life or are they still at times disruptive?
They have been one hundred percent positive, even the ones I perceived as negative turned out positive---I’m positive---lol

Most of the time ETs are specific with things I need to do.

They sometimes speak in parables when they want an element to remain ambiguous, that’s what I love about them---not---but I find myself doing the same thing too, will it ever end ?--- ETs talk in parables because a lot of info is transmitted in small bites---for those astute to read between the lines that is. So I do the same---

Some [abductions] have been very strange and difficult to relay as I did the one in the blog, that’s why the next one isn’t written yet. The rest of the encounters remain mostly blocked except for a few moments at the beginning. There are many people going on similar trips yet so few talk about them---cowards! ---lol
There is no rhyme or reason on when they stop by, but they do frequently.

All the ones I have seen are small below four feet.

The story I wrote "A day with an extra-terrestrial" is a fraction of the experience that happened to me.

The tin foil hats are to keep aliens from reading our minds and influencing our thoughts--granted, they will keep microwaves out and tin foil is cool for roasting corn in and it has a million other uses, but believe me it don’t stop ETs from reading our thoughts.
Ok I have tried it once, I wanted to block Milton out for a short time just to see if I could but the burger appeared next to me---mocking me and wearing a tin foil hat too---both of us in tin foil hats and he still talked to me telepathically while drinking a glass of water---shot those theories all to heck---

The ETs I know about don’t eat food unless they are in human form and then they only do it to be sociable and not stick out.

I get more tours [with Milton and ETs] but I don’t remember all the details other than they are more mind blowing fantastic each time---and my little human brain can’t handle it all.

I’ve had some harry scary encounters, plenty.
I get unwelcomed visits, comes with the territory.
Unwelcome visits can get hairy [raises a few hairs] and seldom cordial; also there are some that have tried to discourage my big yap.

I don’t have any implants in me, I did but Milton took them out, nevertheless, they still keep on eye on me---if only I could get them to mow my lawn----

I was always aware of the ET critters on some level, and then around 1995 they dropped a bunch of info in my lap and told me to make sense of it. I put what I could down on paper and then into a box in my closet where it remained for two years. I forgot about it then got a call on the phone from some dude and he wanted to meet with me at a restaurant. Normally I might have hung up the phone instead I got in the car and met him and we talked over lunch about my writing. I had written a few things but nothing anyone knew about. I went home took down the box that had the first draft of my manuscript in it and rewrote it a dozen times then had it published in 1997.
 What a waste of time and money, my money and my time. My advice, if some weirdo stranger calls and tells you to write a book, tell him or her where to stick it---

This thread is about extraterrestrials. I know that many people can’t get their minds around that possibility.

I don’t contact aliens if I can help it. They seem to know where to find me even though I have moved often.

Milton tells me things even if I don’t want them, and I can share them if I wish.

Do you get all your information from Milton and the ET's directly or is some of what you say your own personal beliefs?
Some of it is what I remember and know.

If you go for a walk or a drive are you able to see cloaked UFOs? No, but I know they are there.

Do you have contact with any other ET's? Where are the ET's from that you are communicating with?
It's kind of a "we will call you don't call us" deal. I don't know where Milton is from, I don't think he knows either. He looks lost most of the time.

I have lived with the knowledge of these beings from before I came to this planet. Those memories were not erased or implanted. I have always been aware of them on some level.  Time is an illusion as is much of this life. But those things are peeled away on the other side of the curtain where there is no illusion, time, or memory implants.  Yes you can claim that too is an implant. In that case believe what you will.



Milton is not his real name, I gave him that name.
I have access to “Milton” now as I did in the blog---but he is not always available. He contacts me telepathically every other day more or less.
His real name is---nah, it sounds way too silly so I’m not going to say it, trust me Milton is much better. All perceived sarcasm is unintentional.
My contacts usually take place both physically and telepathically
He is not my only contact---can’t yet go into the rest of them.
He has some sense of humor... Many of them do---they love their work. We go way back, me and him. (Connected since a long time)
He involved me in disclosure, that’s his job, and at a late stage, not sure why.
Entities like Milton can do it at will, I was taken out off my body and then put back in---I felt an inexpressible freedom coming out and the reverse going back in---I immediately felt the burden and weight of my body---the body is truly a ball and chain, at least the ones we have to wear here on earth.
I didn’t call Milton my guide---he is a slave driver---lol
We talk in person and telepathic, I can’t describe telepathic other than words and concepts appear in my mind.
I don’t think Milton is helping me, heck I’m the one doing all the work---lol
I’m not sure what his range is, or how many people he has under his charge.
Milton knows, that’s his problem he is a know-it-all---lol, but Milton doesn’t share much, also, he can’t interfere outside his domain---sort of like the mods talking between themselves and not stepping on each other's toes---lol
I don’t think Milton controls me much because I sometimes don’t listen to his advice. For instance my wife and youngest daughter took a vacation to Denver two years ago and my wife wanted to go to Colorado Springs since it was nearby. We had been there when our children were younger and climbed Pike’s Peak, and visited the Garden of the gods. I was told to enjoy my vacation in Denver and to stay away from Colorado Springs. 
My wife insisted that we should go because it might be a long time before we came back there as a family---I didn’t tell her about Milton or his advice because at the time I didn’t know it was Milton giving me certain info.
We spent two days in Denver and I decided we would spend the rest of the vacation in Colorado Springs about three days.
No sooner that I enter the city I was pulled over by a traffic cop and he wrote me up with five violations---I had a perfect driving record for thirty years until that day.
Needless to say that ruined the vacation---my wife and daughter were crying and could not believe what had just happened---they both lost a lot of respect for the law that day because I had done nothing wrong. We headed home.
Once home I contacted the city and the prosecutor dropped the charges.
My wife has a high security clearance---she is a civilian who works for a company that deals heavily with the military, and she travels to many military bases, and often to those located in Colorado Springs---so I thought we would be fine---not so for me.
Milton will not tell me why the military is uneasy with my being there.
The police officer was only following orders---when I didn’t take the hint from Milton to stay out of that town they took evasive action.
I had been to Colorado Springs twice before in earlier years and we always had an escort. The first time I was not sure why two air force officers had a room next to ours, and then they happened to be at all the attractions we went to. My wife has been to the base many times, she works for a medical company that supplies most military bases, she also has been to CIA headquarters, she has a high up security clearance---not easy to attain---they not only investigate the person but also the spouse---me and they still gave her the clearance---lol
Also my female cousin is married to one of the officers on that base---my cousin does not know about me and my off world connections---we were going to visit them until we got run out of town by the cops.
The reason they dismissed the trumped up charges so easily was because they had achieve their objective---they didn’t want me near their air force academy---I have no idea why.

Was Milton created as is, by some even loftier being, at a certain point in time? Did he evolve gradually to its lofty position? Or did he simply always exist as it is now, neither evolving nor having been created? 
Milton has yet to reveal that to me, but he is middle management right now and can ascend to higher realms.

He does not drink coffee nor does he swear.

That’s one thing about Milton; he is so clear on things that it completely confuses me at times---if that makes any sense. 
The pebble thing is what I believe Milton has in mind.

Who are the employers of the Miltons and what is their role and nature? I report to Milton---that’s all I know for now

Milton is lower management; he doesn’t get invited to those highfalutin parties at the center of the universe, so he is kind of out of the loop about the big guy that plays with the pearly dice---should there be one.

Milton is occupied by genres not of this earth [not like Sci-fi] ---how many of us would be entertained by reading material suited for 3 year olds?

Milton has yet to put fear in me as the nuns at my school did--- I still have ruler marks on the palms of my hands---I guess I was no angel---
You can say there are similarities minus the fire and brimstone, and no worship is required.

Milton has a message for you: take good care of yourself---

Milton is much older than a few hundred earth years---way older. But he looks really good for his age---his body suit doesn’t age.

He is from many planets and a few other dimensions---he has been around the block quite a few times.
At his level goals have no meaning; he has assignments for lack of a better definition. 

Don’t know what exactly he does, I assume he has a cadre of people like me he works with.

I’m not aware if Milton listens to music---if he does it’s nothing like what we have.

Nothing except Milton knows how much I like to walk through forests---he highly recommends it---but he has not given me the time or means to do it--if he has it remains blocked---much of everything with him is business oriented---and if he can't write it off he doesn't let me do it---lol

Milton’s mode of communication: It is given to me as instantaneous knowledge, verbal sentences, mental pictures, subconscious feelings-- morning memories, and in person.

Milton is a lot of things but not a linear “Time Lord” ---lol

Milton, in ET form: I wouldn’t say he was naked, we don’t consider our dogs and cats naked. Nevertheless he wasn’t wearing anything other than his skin that I could tell---yet there was no sense of nakedness about him---there are male and female facial characteristics but I was not aware of things below the waistline---especially while in the fluid kind of reality inside an alien ship.

Milton rarely spills the beans on others ---mainly because if I open that door there would be no way for me to handle all the requests.

I have made plenty mistakes while on this planet so if he is my guide he has dropped the ball several times----he insist that I dropped the ball---lol

I see Milton often enough, and class trip maybe, but if so it will be early in the morning between 3 and 4 AM. And only those that pay attention will remember.

Milton is pretty scary.

Milton is a free agent.

Milton is not Lucifer.

Milton doesn’t have any teeth.

I did take six hours of art in college but my paintings and drawing skills would do no justice to what Milton looks like nor anything else I recreate through that medium. And for some reason I hate to draw, I would rather chew on nails---

Milton is high up the food chain, and is free to go anywhere he wishes inside this galaxy. He still takes me places but blocks out some of it because he doesn’t want me talking about it.

Milton knows there is right and wrong in human hearts.

Milton is not me from the future, we are individual entities, and the future and past is not play dough that can be molded or manipulated by mortals, or even those at Milton’s level.

So Milton's creative abbreviated process is an idea...boom...there it is?  Instantaneously? He wishes---lol---those higher up than him yes.

Milton and those higher up only indulge in one emotion, joy

Milton has my home phone number I never give out my cell phone number, especially to Milton; otherwise I would never get any rest.

I'm tempted to talk more but Milton could pull the rug out from under me and turn the egg shells I'm walking on into hot coals. He's a character that goads me to push the envelope of believability---the things dreams are made of, yet those are the things that get scoffed. So until I get things packaged properly, tone things down, or Milton backs some of it with a bit of substance I will continue walking and talking like I'm on egg shells.

Miltie lets me fall when he thinks I’m telling too much or hanging with the wrong crowd.

This is a collaborative effort and although Miltie keeps the lid on some stuff he many times insists that I reveal more, in other words stick my neck way out there---I don’t want to---lol

Does Milton have anyone one else he watches over? Yup, but specifics are lacking.

Milton is one of the members of the board of directors overseeing planet earth, and he is in the minority concerning certain operations taking place here and perhaps even a bit on the rebellious side with some of his ideas.

If I believed for a second that Milton (ET) is just as much a pawn, actor or involved in our polarity, dual, right/wrong movie as we humans are, I wouldn’t waste my time doing this.

Milton and those in his league neither gain nor lose doing what they do here on earth---earth is not about them and all about us.

How they or others continue to rise into the hierarchy is way beyond this thread.

Milton is not messin' with us neither he’s being messed with us also.

Milton shows me way more than I want to know believe it or not---lol

He is more of a friend/slave driver kind of ET. 

Milton can take on human form at any time and does while on earth sometimes---does he want to be human---? Do we want to be Neanderthals? Same difference---

I did ask Milton for a glossy, they can take their own pictures even though we can’t.
But he said his picture would be worth millions to the tabloids and he doesn’t think I’m worth that kind of money, besides he thinks that money would go to my head---I can’t believe I put up with him! Money would not go to my head---silly alien, it would go to my bank account--lol
It’s those little things they just don’t understand about us humans---anyway I will keep pestering him for a picture----but certainly not for the fame---strictly for the fortune----

Does Milton read this?
That slave driver does pop in every now and then unannounced to check-up on me but I’m a step ahead of him, I have a word document screensaver I click to when I’m goofing off like this stuff.
I’m supposed to do the reading and give him a report of any interesting materials that might surface---concerning anyone getting too close to sensitive ET stuff that the cleanup guys didn’t get too fast enough---

Milton doesn’t do much abducting.

I don’t know who else he associates with---

He answers my questions by Telepathy or in person over lunch.

He still uses the freaky alien costume in many of his visits.

I can’t refer people to Milton to get taken.

Did you pick the name 'Milton' because it was William Cooper's Real name?
I picked the name “Milton” out of a hat---but Milton could have filled the hat with that name--lol

What would I call my communications with Milton?
Nothing like channeling or voices in my head---the only voice in my head is me. Not even telepathy, our communication method is a secret
I don’t hear voices in my head nor is it telepathy, it's something humans haven’t yet heard about and I have no way of describing it or comparing.----well maybe I do but I don’t want to reveal it---my bad

Milton takes lots of time off.

Do I feel anything physical when in communication?
Nausea--- ----no, nothing at all---as I once did.

Milton is like a CEO over several franchises, planets, and mostly lives out of a suitcase, his ship.

Milton is without a home planet, he simply exists and goes wherever he wishes when he wishes.
That is the reality of countless billions of entities, and a reality that beckons all of us.

Milton is not political, I am, and we disagree all the time but I usually give in because I learned long ago to never piss off a space alien---they have the temperament and strength of Chewbacca.

Milton keeps carping about I don’t have insurance---the same thing my dad used on me when I was sixteen and wanted to borrow the car to take my friends out for joyrides---

Who knows why Milton does what he does? He is not on any diplomatic duty. 

Milton's alien form is not related to the Zeta aliens in any way.

Milton and his cadre have no subconscious thingy---it’s below them highbrow types.

He loves Mexican food.

He shows up every now and then and we have lunch or some other activity---in human form, and we talk normally.

Milton is a straight arrow, he wanted me to point that out. He is not homophobic. Matter of fact he doesn’t have any equipment at all, he is a eunuch.
His body was designed without the family jewels; they don’t need them because they don’t procreate like humans do.

He don’t need to log on to ATS and create an account, he has me doing it for him.

Is he enjoying this thread as much as we are?
Perhaps more so.

He is not sexual in the human sense but they have a higher version of what we might associate as sex---and like birds of a feather higher entities stick with their own kind.

ALF, Milton’s favorite show.

He looks about sixty, claims he is thirty, but I know he is much much older than those two figures, perhaps as old as dirt---but that kind of talk can put you on his bad side---

Why does he get to communicate with me?
I had written some profound reason but he made me erase it and insisted I write “his streak of bad luck” in its place.
Which is totally untrue, he is the luckiest funny looking thing from outer space I have ever seen.

Milton said he is no genie and no way is anyone going to stuff him into a bottle. Thought I would throw that out there---

Milton knows a whole lot more than he is telling---he keeps telling me I’m not ready---he is so condescending!

Milton is both physical and ethereal and he comes and goes without ever saying goodbye.

He thinks we need more coffee breaks---I think he watched the movie “Office Space” one too many times.

 He thinks food is our biggest weakness and we don’t get enough exercise.

Does he think your thread is having a positive influence on those of us who read it?
He’s beginning to wonder
Is there ever going to be a point where he would like to ask some of us questions via you?
That’s not on his agenda. What are his curiosities?
That brings out the snobbishness in him---he has none---

His appearance could and do change per a situation.
He thinks I’m too ugly, so he would never use my appearance --- Would he make an appearance to a child as another child?
I remember very small beings when I was a child perhaps two feet tall, much shorter than Milton.

He goes invisible a lot so I never know if he is coming or going---he has a very tight schedule.

Milton is pretty fearless for a small fry, and he can be a tad intimidating even at a tea party.

He puts on a human suit now and then. He said he was something like a human once upon a time but never a human.

He has always been in the background [of my life] and made his appearance a few years ago--
-now it seems I can’t get rid of him.
Others have come and gone, mostly remaining hidden.

He says they threw away the mold after they made him and he “defies” description---he is pretty proud of the word “defies”. I told him maybe they should have kept the mold and threw him away------he’s trying to figure out what I meant by that----

What dimension is Milt from?
The freeloader’s dimension, every time I go into my kitchen the fridge door is wide open and he’s rummaging through it like a shark having tasted blood. Yet he never gains any weight---

Put Milton in front of a television and give him the remote control and there is no need for a baby sitter---he likes every movie, every sitcom every commercial---then he makes a long list of things I need to go out and buy to keep the refrigerator well stocked. But he hates football, the way they handle that pigskin gives him the willies
You would think his voice was squeaky but he sounds more like “Lurch Addams” in the monster shows.

My family don’t get to see my “imaginary” friend--- And they have no desire to---

Is Milton helping with this thread because he wants humans to learn and grow and the higher ups are loosening the strings for him to do that?
He likes that.

His family is huge as is true with all of us humans here on earth, the difference is he is always aware of them where we humans are barely aware of the ones right in front of us---how sad. Milton is family.

Milton doesn't like his human Dude body? Does it just suck kind of like driving a GEO metro compared to a super comfortable standard class Ford Crown Victoria Taxi?
I’m sure a Crown Victoria is a fine car, but it doesn’t work for comparison. More like going from a Lamborghini to a GEO.
But there is more to it than that.
His fuzzy ball of energy [appearance] can’t be beat [it’s his favourite] and he spends most of his time in that state---he only puts on his alien suit when he wants to raid my refrigerator---

What is Milton’s favorite earth dessert? 
It was ice cream until he watched that “My favorite Martian” movie with Christopher Lloyd playing the Martian---and saw what ice cream did to him---

Milton doesn’t need clothing, there are no private parts to hide, nor is he affected by temperature and perspiration, and he doesn’t have any human type bodily functions---I don’t know where the heck all that food and drink goes--- ---he certainly doesn’t burn it off, the lazy bum---

Milton has no sense of smell, nor much of a sense of humor because he never gets my best jokes, come to think of it few terrestrials do either---I know it's not me---

Government know about Milton, but they haven’t met him, nor will they according to him.

Milton can stop a bullet, stop time in a localized area. I don’t think he could do the whole world, but sometimes he acts like he can---

Entities like Milton are not from anywhere specific, they just are.

He kind of reminds me of that angel in the movie “Michael” starring John Travolta, good movie btw.

Milton enjoys the questions and the people, he even will visit with some in their dreams---it will be real but they will think it a dream.

It’s not lonely at the top, nevertheless Milton likes working alone.

He is luminescent, like a light coming into a dark room in our mind.

Could Milton for example create a table in your room just by thinking about it?
He can do many things including creating a table but he is best at making things disappear, especially in my kitchen---he’s also not good at creating money for me.

Milton types are formidable to say the very least, like superman times a thousand. But they have an almost childlike quality like Clark Kent.
Milton is extremely comical and laidback because he can be---he has no human type hang-ups to weigh him down.

Milton never was at our stage; he came from a different angle. He didn’t intern on earth.

He won’t say how many Earth years more advanced he is to us.

What percentage would run and what percentage would stay and or attempt to make contact with Milton?
100 percent would freak out completely, some would run others would be too paralyzed with fear to run or move.

If we were as highly evolved as Milton on another level we wouldn’t be here, not even the vacationers.

Since Milton is giving you your info, is his race more advance than the other ETs that are involved with Earth? 

Milton likes all animals including the human ones.

How many times a week on average does Milton appear to me? One too many.

He is not a pleiadian.

Milton is able to travel to the other Universes quite easily.

Do Milton and Ra know each other? 

How do you perceive / view him…usually?
He tries to make himself presentable and not freaky, but it doesn’t work, he sometimes takes on the appearance of a small quirky looking Albert Einstein.

Milton originates from a place near the center of the galaxy, but he will not say.

He is not alone, there are many more like him.

Milton loves the Wizard of Oz, especially at the end where they trade the broomstick for the human qualities that they already had deep inside of them.

Milton happens to be gregarious, more so than most higher entities.

Milton doesn’t follow any human concept of spiritualism and neither do I.

Milton doesn’t talk about himself much.

Milton type entities can access higher dimensions.

Milton is not from Uranus nor from this solar system, he only works here, well, work is a relative term, distant relative.

Yes, Milton is on the side that wants us to progress technologically.
He is a Capitalist at heart----sorry I know most people have been misled about Capitalism and that it is a very dirty word around here---but that is how it swings.

Milton’s ship moves through time and space as if it didn’t exist---how he does it he will not tell me.

Milton doesn’t drink booze of any kind.

Milton and entities of his stature are more real that both you and me and the rest of the human race on this third rock from the sun.
He will continue to be on earth and other places when most of us are far away from this planet and doing hard time on other rocks or taking vacations across the Milky Way Galaxy, enjoying the good life.

He likes Pat Metheny, I think he lifted that CD from John Lear’s collection.

Milton be real, the real deal in a world filled with confusion and illusion, but he is not available for signing autographs or making personal appearances to prove himself. He could care less about the skeptics and what they think because they live in illusion and they only understand illusion type things.

Milton can’t sustain damage of any kind, the dude is unbreakable.

Has Milton ever been to prison in a human life form? If so why?
Milton is perfect in every way like Mary Poppins, and doesn’t admit to being in prison or in human bondage so I’m not sure.
He has been to earth many times in the past but not as a student or prisoner.

Milton is not a god.

He hangs around this star system a lot.

He doesn’t belong to any particular race he is a free agent, or perhaps he meant freeloader.

Milton will upgrade at some point. The galaxy and a bunch more stuff he has seen and tasted, a mere grain in the scheme of things. 

How many Earth years has Milton been visiting this rock? 
Milton is Millions of years old?
He can wad up a million years and get two points hitting the basket every time, the show off! Time is tricky stuff for 3D land.

He liked this place when it was a real zoo, the Dino era. Now he has to go to another star system to see them.

Are we not to know the true name of Milton, or are we not to know the true name of God? As far as names go, as Shakespeare once said "A rose by any other name is still a rose. I suppose that goes for Milton or god or Joe blow down the street for that matter.

Milton is not androgynous. 

Is there any special reason you give him the name 'Milton' on the boards? No reason at all.

Though he's blue, is he with you in human form a lot?
Not that much anymore.

When you decide to leave this prison planet and go back home to Utopia what will Milton do? What he always does, not much.

Is Milton one of your spirit guide?
Yes and no, mostly no.

Milton does seem to make his own rules, a rebel searching for a cause. 

You describe Milton as a very strong, powerful entity. Is he messin' with us through your messages in order to wake us up?
Kind of.

Are you one and the same as Milton?
Not really.
When you drive by one of those road construction sites and fifteen well-dressed people are standing around drinking coffee, eating donuts and trying to look important while one or two guys sweating and smelly are in the ditch doing the work. I'm one of the guys in the ditch. Milton is drinking coffee snickering down at me Woe is me!

Milton doesn't negotiate terms of the visit, should he make a house call.

Milton is not a guide; he is more of a freeloader.

Did Milton ever being child?
He never stopped being a child.
This kind of ET’s developed themselves the same as us, babies, child, adolescents, etc.? He never would say.

Milton has many dimensions under his hat and he doesn't even wear a hat. The higher dimension rules and those dimensions under fall easily into place. It's really cool to see them on one page.

Would there be a source of intel that is above even Milton’s level that he wouldn’t know about?
More than likely, but he says I wouldn't understand.

Do you think it is possible that we all have our own Milton’s who cater to our personal situations?
Yes, they are known as our guides and know our hearts desires.

The 'factions' Milton represents wishes, a more progressive approach to conditions on our little prison planet. This 'beneficent' approach requires a covert approach - can we consider Milton's 'faction' the good guys?
Yup, Milton is the good guys, he don't wear a white hat though.

My Family

Has anyone in your family ever seen this unquestionable evidence that you claim to have?  They have but they are not aware of it now.

My dad while he was still alive never believed in extraterrestrials but told me that when he was a boy he saw huge flying disks, had no explanation for them but adamantly did not believe they were aliens.
He didn't know it but he was being abducted. So there is evidence that many abductions run in the family.

No one in my family believes in ETs.
My family likes terra firma, they don’t like it when I occasionally bring up the subject around them----so I don’t.

It took me a long time to come out of the closet, my wife knew (She believes-----there’s been a few things she was able to see to convince her), but I never told my offspring until they were older.
My wife wants to believe, she has seen things that have no explanation yet she is not allowed to know, same with my children they are involved yet they don’t know nor do they want to know..
My family knows about my connection with ET.

My wife was curious like most people about ETs, I told her they will scare the hell out of you---she didn't believe me, and was positive she could handle it.
She got her wish and caught a glimpse of one in our living room one night. They were there for me and they decided to let her see one of them, knowing about her wish they granted it---she’s been a firm believer since and does not want to meet any of them again. I never seen the women so frightened in my life, I thought she was going to have a heart attack. Debunkers are going to say I played a thick on her----I didn’t.

One day my daughter came home from school, she was in the fourth grade and rode the school bus. We lived in the typical neighborhood in one of the suburbs that were sprouting up all over the place.
While on the bus ride to school a boy older than her came over to her seat and told her that he saw a UFO hovering over our house the night before----he lived three houses up on the other side of the street and had a clear view of our house.
She didn't know what a UFO was, but she was in shock that an older boy spoke to her, she didn't respond to him and he returned to his seat without saying anything else
She asked me what a UFO was and why was it over our house---- I told her it was an unidentified flying object, I didn't elaborated and she shrugged it off.
I was tempted to get her to ask that boy more about it but not wanting to put her into a position of talking about "those kind of things" I decided not to. I don't regret my decision; stigmatizing young children with strange phenomena can be detrimental. High school and above is a different story.
My children are much older now and I have mentioned a few things about ETs to them---however they don't seem that interested, if and when they become curious I will tell them whatever they wish to know.

I have two adult children and they have no such stories---their memories remain blocked.

My children both of them are part of the program-----but they have no idea or any memories of their contact with ET.
I have several brothers and sisters-----none of them are involved----that I know of----none have shown the least bit of interest in the ET phenomenon.
There is a notable difference between myself and my siblings----we get along very well, yet I see the world differently than they do, I often wonder if I am related to them.
They, as most people, are fixated on this planet and can't imagine the existence of extraterrestrials.
They are absorbed in the 9 to 5 everyday existence that makes up the grand allusion many live out their lives in.

My wife thinks I’m an ET but I’m not.

Does your wife believe you? 
She tries.

My wife likes fiction, thrillers, and romance novels, but I hardly ever touch the stuff---

What did your wife say about the sperm donations? 
She is fine with it, as long as I don’t stay out too late---lol
I'm kidding, I'm not sure she believes it completely or at all

My daughters when they were young would come into our room at any hour of the night when they got scared and stand by our bed---not wanting to wake us up but hopping we would wake up.
I usually sensed them and woke up with no problem but my wife jumped out of her skin every single time especially if they touched her.
She walked in on ET once and nearly died of a heart attack---so they don’t do that to her anymore.

When my wife walked in on my meeting with ET, she didn’t get a chance to talk to them, they left and I calmed her down, she remembers the fear but not them.

My mother is a saint and I’m not the one who said it, everyone who knows her say it---yet she believes she is not worthy of heaven---she is a devout Catholic and nearly goes to church every day because she believes herself a sinner---yet she has never had a bad word for anyone, she doesn’t even know the meaning of hate, ego, or envy.
Hate, envy and ego were issues she resolves in a previous life, she in fact is not here to learn anything, she is here to assist others whose lives she touched---certainly family members but mostly people who she remains in constant contact by phone as they languish in nursing homes now---I have taken her to visit them and they light up and come to life when she enters their rooms and nearly drop to her feet.
When we moved to the city in America that I grew up in we were looked down on by most of the people in the community because of our poverty, “there goes the neighborhood” was often heard---the parish priest at the beckoning of the community tried to get us to move out of the area and into public housing---we rented a house that was due for demolition but my dad fixed it up and eventually bought it---people continued to treat us like dirt for many years after---but things changed and many of the people whose noses were turned up began treating my parents like royalty, my father has long passed away but my mother still gets that treatment, and she still lives in that old house but not able to get around as much---she is a saint!

My mother believes she failed because some of her children are not practicing Catholics ---the steadfast Catholics in my family believe the rest of us lost souls---I don’t speak much about this subject with them because they are not ready for it.

I have told my stuff to my wife, but like many people she gets a chuckle---this info is not for everyone.

The extra marital sex too is justified?
There are some benefits that offset the laughing we have to put up with---but hey, someone has to do it---

There is no greater joy than having dinner and discussions with our children---I’ve had many of those blessings while they were growing up---and still do---the good memories are keepers and we take them with us forever----glazed eyes and all---

I was one of the lucky parents that never had to tell my children who to hang out with they made those calls on their own---and as far as them shunning anyone they never did---but some of the other kids did shun them.
As they got older they were appreciated more---or should I say used---as designated drivers for their friends who did smoke and drink. I guess we all have a purpose in this life.

My mother is still alive and I visit with both of my parents.

I warned my father when he was alive about his anger problems but he was unable to resolve them while here. He is now working on them elsewhere.

My wife will not read my thread because she doesn’t want to have nightmares.

My mother is very much into Christianity, and so are all her friends. They know nothing else and every time they hear about an apparition of the Virgin Mary they are on cloud nine with excitement. There are millions of people in the same boat, and that boat will be kept afloat.

Why would Milton show himself to your wife?
She walked in on him one late night, and he let it happen.

My mother believes in the Virgin Mary, and so do many in my family. I would never take that away from them and is not in my power to do so, thank God!

Was your wife jealous after reading your book?
She doesn't want to have anything to do with space, go figure.
Was your wife jealous about the nurse?
If she was she didn't say anything.

My Story and Mission

This thread is for those curious souls who want a peek behind the stage doors.

I tell what I know to be the truth: free will, reward and punishment, a galaxy filled with earth type intelligent life, extraterrestrial visitors and overseers, and eternal life.

Most have difficulty seeing the little picture---the big picture is out of our reach completely---but we can see bits and pieces of it if we dare to look.

I’m not selling anything and I’m not interested in making ET believers of anyone

I’m telling it because I was told to tell it----regardless of whether people believe or not information is being put out there----people talked about flight way before it became a reality. I take my orders from ET----they decide if and when. [ETs told me to write about all this] about eight years ago-----what do they achieve by having me do it? -----They can handle just about anything but rejection and ridicule-----obviously that stuff doesn’t bother me or I would have abandoned this thread long ago-----I could have said they chose me because of my superior intellect but that probably wouldn’t go over very well.

My answers are sincere and from a higher source than myself----when my connection cuts me off I hang.

I don't post to change anyone's mind about the subject, but to tell what I have experienced.

I don’t write fiction----I get my information from the horse’s mouth---ET. My experiences are genuine.
My material equals dozens of manuscripts.

I’m not much of a new age follower even though many accuse me of being one---lol It may sound strange but I have little desire to read spiritualistic books.

I know because I have seen it------believing me or anyone with those kinds of claims is simply a choice each of us have to make-----if they have nothing else to go on.

ETs know that I’m writing all this, it’s their way of communicating information to those able to hear it.

I don’t intend to mess with people’s belief, that’s not my job.

But I think I am free to express my opinions and share with those who might be interested---some of my experiences.

I have no problem with people believe in hell, or Jesus----I only tell what I believe.

I don't meditate----everything that I write that inspires readers is from ET----they refuse to claim the rest. 

No intentional paradox in my story, however I’m only human, and humans are the essence of paradox.

You can presume what I write is fiction---no law against that
I don’t speculate or do wishful thinking, I write what I have experienced and seen with my own eyes. 

I can talk about my experiences and nothing more, at least for now----I continually ask them to let me show a few things, I’ve even had the nerve to ask that they let me land a craft in a large city----they thought that was cute.

If the aliens were concerned about this story getting out they would stop it. Perhaps they know most people will not believe it and are unconcerned.

Things on my thread can be hazardous to the beliefs which are standard issue from our learning institutions. Unfortunately we can’t have it both ways, you either believe in one or the other----its oil and water, they don t mix well.

I don't know what my role is, perhaps I'm the dishwasher on the ship and when I leave they blank that part out. Maybe to tell this story.
I have read books, magazines, and the internet, hoping to find something like my experience----I haven't yet.

I put off telling my story for 52 years, that’s how old I am. I had alien contact from day one. I haven’t talked about it because of the stigma place on those who have-----at my age I have decided that what people think doesn’t matter anymore----I know what’s out there.

My account (all true) and those of others are harmless because the vast majority will remain unconvinced---as it should be. 

After all it’s only my word----it's not in my power to provide proof.

I’m not blowing smoke for the simple reason that where there is smoke there are firefighters to put it out before anyone discovers the fire.
I’m telling my story and will be allowed to tell some of it as long as I keep with the no smoking rules---
There are lots of hints dropped in my stories and those of other contactees, but for now no fire, no proof, and no smoking.
No psychiatrist, no hallucinations, or mental issues. The strongest drug I take is an aspirin now and then. I am married have two children, started two businesses, live in a nice neighborhood, own four cars, and several rental properties.

I know the difference between a dream and real life-----I suppose there are those who don’t----which is tragic.

Everything I have written is mine----my experiences----if not I put quotes on it, if it is similar to someone else’s experiences, then I can’t help that.

This is not a run of the mill tale; it’s to say the least very complex phenomena. There is a reason people like me don't tell their stories, much cannot be told, and what is told has to be done delicately.
I visited a star system much further than Alpha Centauri----don’t know which one and it didn’t take more than a few weeks, if that. I don’t know how long the journey was, but it was under a month that I was away. It was like taking an ape into New York city and showing it the town and taking it back to the jungle and letting it tell the other apes what it saw.

I have been placed into an area that was underground like the Dulce caves, in a large cavern filled with strange machinery enclosed in huge metal containers. I was left there for a long period, day or more----alone. Why? Don’t know but it was not a fun time.
Inside the cavern was a huge metallic room. The room had machinery as that seen perhaps under a large city, like a power plant or water treatment, don't know but it was completely silent. No city was on the surface only desert.
The machinery or equipment had metal skins or casings covering them. No gages, pulleys, wheels, levers, valves, only large odd shaped things. I call them machinery because that's what they reminded me of.
I like having my three squares a day, yet I don't recall ever eating or drinking while I was a possession of the aliens.
The place was lit up but I don't recall the light source, whether it was florescent lighting (human stuff) or alien. 
There were no doors that I could see or find, I was in the cave and then I was in the metal building, compartment, cube, or whatever it was. Once I was in I couldn’t get out. I wasn't panicked but I had a bad feeling about it the whole time I was in it.
I walked and explored it for hours---it had no end to it. I wasn't punished it was like I was misplaced or left behind by accident. It felt like a void, I never felt that alone, like I was the only human alive.
Inside that container the energy we humans give off could not penetrate it; nothing could penetrate it, not even superman’s x-ray vision. It wasn’t like I felt alone----I was alone---there is no worst feeling than that. It could be they were testing me to see how I would handle being away from other humans for any length of time----like a mission to another planet. Perhaps the military or NASA, needs certain “volunteers” before they subject their astronauts to long voyages----like Mars.

Like I said, the nearer I get to telling the truth the more bizarre it sounds and the more people that will think me nuts----so how the heck do I tell my story and make it believable short of dragging an extraterrestrial out into public?
So I tell my story for those who are interested in knowing the fantastic possibilities that are out there----no one has to believe it, but it’s true.

Isn’t this a great country, we are free to share our ideas, theories, and personal experiences. If I have done anything less than that let me know---I have never lied, or fabricated, and never will. But I do tell things that are hard to believe, that I’m guilty of.

I’m sharing my experiences and nothing more, until or unless the figments of my imagination--ET---tell me otherwise---

As we have all heard “the truth is stranger than fiction”. Well my words will test those waters. The truth is also hard to swallow and will be discarded easily by those living happily in the status quo. By the way, nothing wrong with living in the status quo, and nothing wrong with taking a peek behind the big curtain either.

I’m not sure what my role is----if anything.

One would think, however take a look at how well we humans communicate with each other----there are wars all over the place----always have been.
We have problems communicating with our children (not bragging but I was lucky and had few problems with mine) but I was a pain as a teenager and so are most kids.
Try changing someone’s mind about anything-----communication is not what its crack up to be.

I entered UFOs on military bases (walked in).
However, I have a clear memory of something like a worm hole opening up in my bedroom wall, and an alien came out of it, we talked for a while and then it took me into the hole and we were in the ship.
This did not occur from a sleep state----it happened before I went to bed. I was one hundred percent awake and cognizant-----until I entered the ship.
Once in the ship I have patches of memory----with many empty gaps. They took me places away from this planet-----much of the time I was asleep or knocked out.
I talk about what I remember-----they obviously don't want me or others to come back with more detailed accounts-----but just enough to know that there is something big going on in our solar system, and that the galaxy is swarming with civilizations millions of years ahead of us.

The military never “officially” gave me more time off than the thirty days per year-----but since there is missing time, at least in my mind perhaps they allowed extra leave. I could not come and go as I pleased during “normal” duty.
I can't recall being debriefed-----it may have happened I don't remember if it did.

My early encounters were casual almost friendship like. As I got older they became distant, they were around me but not face to face while on the ship.
I have had some horrific encounters but it may have been my misinterpretation-----they may have been showing me some type of disaster----or something in the future-----like an earthquake or battle scene-----I’m not physic, and can’t predict things but I have felt the pain and fear and seen some strange things like I was watching a movie while on the ship. Perhaps it was only movie night with ET and the feature film was some horror show---otherwise why expose me to situations I can’t do anything about?

The only reason I can give this information is because most people will not believe it-----most people shouldn’t believe it----distracts them from the life they need to focus on here on earth.

How come other people don't tell stories that are similar to mines? Maybe they don’t have the real hookup.

True heroes don’t go around hocking their war stories like confetti-----those who do all the taking are usually the ones that had the easy and safe jobs far from the fighting. The real heroes didn’t come back and brag about their service----they died fighting a war. And they didn’t die so that people could come back and throw their arm out of whack patting themselves on the back.

I didn’t get picked up for a book deal because I haven’t looked for a book deal.

What I say is 100% true or I wouldn’t say it.

I don’t play off anyone’s fantasies-----nor do I feed off of peoples curiosities----a large number of people who respond to my thread are not nice----they call me all kinds of names and have insulted me left and right------I don’t feed on people constantly questioning my integrity----but I recognize that many of them have agendas that have nothing to do with UFOs or ET and their sole purpose is to stop me from telling the truth.

I never said that I was the only one [with the knowledge of life, and everything about it].

I don’t believe it I know it.

So where do I keep my stuff? If you don’t want the food to spoil you keep it in the refrigerator, if you have ET stuff you keep it in the ship.

As we all know everyone able to read is invited on the internet and on boards like this one---whether everyone is capable of digesting what they find is another matter----certainly there are dangers physical and more so physiological----should we protect our children from threads like this one?
Can young minds handle some of the stuff that is written and discussed?
There is only one answer-----yes they can----in many cases more so than mature, set-in-their ways, adults.
I put my disclaimer----you’re better off not knowing----for those who need to keep their existing belief system intact to get through the day. All beliefs have value, and no matter how you view the world you will get through it one way or another regardless of the validity of those beliefs.
But most people are looking for new ideas and realities, hence the popularity of Hollywood and writers willing to fill every need and desire.
Nevertheless I am not here to cater to the lost souls desperate to find the holy grail of their existence
I simply tell my story, my experiences with the supernatural----not to entertain, not to enlighten, but because they are true and real----if by doing so entertains some and enlightens others----so-be-it.

Am I aware of others that have shared my experience(s) but have chosen to stay mum? No.

What is it that makes me believe what the ETs tell me?
How do you know that your mother, father, preacher, president, boss, closest friend is telling you the truth? Sometimes you don’t----but family members are less likely to lie.

The feelings change over time, I don’t know if they fine tune themselves to us or how it works. In my early years they seemed normal to me and I don’t remember feeling any different around them verses around my family and friends
Once I became a teenager they dealt with me differently and fear came on me when they showed up---even when they were invisible
As an adult their powerful energy affected me and I knew it was coming from them, also if I was asleep when they came my brain lit up like a lightning storm and my eardrums buzzed---and then they made their appearance as if they came through a vortex and permeated into my room
Now I get a mild buzz whenever they show up----sometimes nothing-----and they emanate euphoria----and as I stated in an earlier post that feeling rubs off on me and lasts several days If only they could bottle up that stuff!

Unless you work for some clandestine government project where mums-the-word no one could care less about stories of ET coming from the general public.
Heck, other than a few posters trying to shut me up few know and care that I exist----and I
have often talked about UFOs on military bases that I personally witnessed----no one really cares because they know few are going to believe this stuff-----and for those that do believe---so what?
The government knows about me and if they are reading my email----cool----I’m flattered that they would take the time.

Yes, ET "discuss" with me how I’d deal with the experience, most people think I’m just a smart as-s with nothing better to do, but the fact is this is part of my job on this big rock called earth during my exile.

I can only share what they give me to share.

They are not keeping it a secret they have told and showed thousands of people what they have and can do---I’m one of the few who talks about it.
Why should I get the glory for something I have no control over----the fact that they let me talk about it is ground breaking.

I suppose that if they wanted me to have a bigger audience they would make it happen, otherwise this is it...

Just because I’m privy to fantastic things don’t mean I hold the key or the cards to that phenomenon.

They give me new stuff all the time and they tease me about letting me show things but so far its only been talk and no action---I can’t imagine what they would let me put out there because anything from them would be earth changing----I'm not sure I would be up for that kind of challenge or assignment.

Do your experiences depressed you in any way?
Not in the least, I wish I could go full time with them.

I feel like the Lone Ranger----but he had Tonto.

I have only recently been able to get a good look at two of those who are in contact with me---for the last fifty some years They have incredible powers it’s hard for me to imagine that they could lose control of what they are doing here on earth.

My purpose is low keyed if that, I contribute to this thread but not sure what effect if any that has.

I’m not the one true Contactee I’m only one of them.
Why would I run to Whitley Strieber when I have contact with the horse----ET?

There are some things that defy learning-to-live-with and are best left in the shadows---granted I often give more information than is asked but I’m also accused of not giving enough information
The problem with information is that it’s never enough---it’s like heroin the more we get the more we want and need----It’s a vicious cycle----and I’m only human.

I’m not a psychic that does predictions---they sometimes show me things but not material for the tabloids
They let me talk on this thread with certain messages that are subconscious friendly, whereas--the rational mind, the conscious mind, needs physical proof---touch, see, and taste---as a bare minimum.

I don’t like to be teased and therefore I don’t like to tease---now on the other hand ET is big on teasing----so I’m going to use the age-old copout---ET made me do it.

If ET wants it out there it will be put out there, I’m not hogging information for my own consumption----what would be the point?

I am a voice for ET but I have to adhere to protocol.
First rule of protocol is to not let the ego of the messenger subvert the message.

ETs said why I am allowed to post on here : to answer the big question, “is this all there is” with scraps and bits of information for those who know how to use them---no this life is not all there is, most only see the small tip of the iceberg and not the massive structure that lays underneath it.

What do I get out of it? Perhaps nothing more than the privilege of having this connection--and all the good and bad that goes with it.

ETs intervene often especially with those they are in contact with---I have been in two car accidents where no one understood how I walked out alive, I have fallen off a cliff over a hundred feet high while in the army, I have fallen off scaffolding at a construction site, and fallen off a roof, and never broke a bone---and I don’t get sick.

From what I have seen that’s impossible [for me to have been used by them].

I did have witness to my account, but I had to kill them---they were going to bring proof and everything--- lol

I provide info for a few who want this info---those that don’t want it need not throw tantrums because it shakes their world or other beliefs---the info is coming whether they like it or not

There will be many new sci-fi blockbusters coming out---but if mine gets done it will not come out as sci-fi.

I’m not looking for galactic brownie points; I’m simply telling what I know.

My job is not to enlighten anyone---only to tell my experiences.

I tell my experiences, what I have seen, what I learned, what ET tells me-----that’s my story and I’m sticking with----it’s never going to change----if it’s too crazy or ridiculous to believe-
---then don’t.

Because I offer no proof for my statements I have little credibility to loose, however, what little I have would be forfeited if I self-promote my books from this thread.

I apologize if I sound condescending with some of my statement, it’s unintentional
If I sound crazy then I am on the mark because describing things people can’t see, feel, or eat---is crazy talk to them.

“Anyone can claim anything, with near impunity, on the internet”
Let people claim away, and then let the chips fall where they may. One hundred percent of what we humans believe as real is perception.
Most chose to remain in the illusions they were thought at school and in churches---nothing wrong with that.
For those wanting reality they will have to take a chance and push that envelope with their minds first---everything else comes later.
Or they can remain safe in their core delusion----nothing wrong with that.

I’m not here to convince anyone of anything---it’s simply my .02

A bleak scenario? If anything it’s less bleak than what is being peddled by many other belief systems.

I’m talking stuff you can’t possibly understand---I apologies for that.

How many times have you roamed around outside of your body? No way of knowing because many things remain blocked.

Have you been able to have a telepathic communication with your Grandma since you last met her? 
Not that I’m aware of---but some of those encounters are blocked because they can break our focus on things we have to do while here.

According to Milton I have good defense system in place as long as I don’t go to certain places here on earth, where the other guys have the advantage---makes my vacationing more challenging---and that’s my biggest concern---
Am I worried about other groups that don't share my optimistic approach towards this subject? Not in the least.
I think they exaggerate the danger, I have been to places they have advised me away from and nothing happened. They have opened up this info so that I can post it; the military knows where I am because they have sent people to my house---for tea---lol ---they have followed me without making any attempts to hide the fact and renting rooms near my room at motels--sometimes they even tip their hats---they are often in uniform.
I’m usually not aware of them until they make it obvious---they go about their business and I go about mine.
I think if these entities really wanted me they would eventually get me---I don’t believe deep down inside that I’m that important.

Clandestine government officials most certainly are watching and following me but as long as I don’t cross certain lines they leave me alone---I know when I’m pushing the envelope, and if I forget they remind me---for instance John Lear is hitting some nerves and I have been told not to back him in certain areas---

I have only seen so much and not everything has been made available to me yet. 

Even though I have toned my story down, it’s still too much for most to handle.

I do know that all the insanity is temporary and for a purpose---and I feel privileged that I can tell my true experiences---regardless that many will refuse to believe them.
If my story only helps one billion people out of six and a half billion people I will feel I accomplished something---

What has Milton instructed you to do here?
Simply to tell my story and let the chips fall---others are telling their stories too, eventually more people will come forward---and someday this ET reality will be mainstream instead of fringe.

A school friend of my daughter---in grade school---who lived across the street from us told her he saw a flying saucer over our house the evening before while riding the bus to school. After school she asked me about it---I don’t remember what I told her but she shrugged it off.

Is the "experience" you're describing something that all persons should read and be aware of?
Absolutely not---we don’t give first graders college level books to read---and you may see this as a slam on non-believers but it’s not---I really don’t mean any disrespect but most people regardless of their academic credentials are simply not ready to believe that extraterrestrials are on earth---

I have no such plan to present this information to the masses, if the powers that be want them to get this info they will receive it---I’m not the “powers” I just work for the company---and at the lowest level---lol

I’m certainly not here to make the world a better place---the world is perfect, it's the people that are not.
I am here to let a few people know that they can make their lives a better place---because that is why they were flown here in a spaceship---for that very purpose.

Childhood: I have vivid memories of my “imaginary” friend---except there was nothing imaginary about him---he opened a hole in my bedroom and we sat and talked for minutes sometimes hours---we even played jumping on the bed or with some very interesting toys he brought with him. I was dirt poor and had no toys, books, television, electricity and hardly enough food---but I had my friend and he brought me candy and took me on rides into space. I never told anyone, I assumed it was normal even though I lived in a world that had been reduced to Third World conditions because of the war.

I’m the loose lips that they can shut down anytime.

I don’t know the full picture and it could all end tomorrow---I may only be one revelation away---the straw that breaks the camel’s back thingy---I’m surprised I haven’t gotten there yet---lol

Some of the stuff was not unlocked---my memory was not altered completely when I was inserted into this world---I remember my trip to earth and being placed into the baby’s body and fully conscious of my reality while a baby---I was not left alone and they continued to hang out with me and take me off planet---otherwise I would have gone insane---can you imagine being stuck inside a baby as an adult?---it took lots of nectar and frequent trips of R & R off planet to get me through it---oh but the nectar was so sweet I can still taste it---pure heaven !

I’m not trying to save anyone’s soul---there are plenty already trying to do that here on this thread and in the billions of churches, Synagogues, and Mosques, not to mention all those other fringe religions out there. I’m simply telling my experiences.

You mentioned one time that you got to speak to your father after he passed. Were you allowed to see him or just speak with him and was it in this dimension or were you taken to where he was. Does he know it's you talking to him?
We were on some neutral ground inside a ship, sometimes we talked and other times didn’t say a word---that I can remember.

I have not travelled backwards or forwards in time.

Not sure if primetime is ready for what I have---lol or even if I’m ready for primetime.

Yes, I meet loved ones again but I have those memories blocked---home sickness and all that stuff.

Funny thing I never asked or even looked to get involved in this crazy stuff, I was drafted--and running to Canada was not an option.

I’m not here to tell people what to believe in, I’m telling my experiences and what I have learned about the galaxy we live in.
What people believe doesn’t change any of that---and it will not affect them in the big picture unless they take their beliefs to the extreme and become martyrs.

I was allowed to have some memory of my past lives when delivered to my mom at birth, because ETs intended on keeping the lines open from that point on---but soon after I went dormant, until they picked me up---on a frequent base throughout by early years.

There is a lot of info coming my way and condensing it is a full time job.

How do you know that which you claim to have experienced is real or is an implanted memory?  
Fair question but how do you know your experiences are not implanted memories---how does anyone know?

The only time I get into trouble is when I don’t listen to the wisdom of Milton.

Why are you talking here and now? 
Because a few people need to know that there is more to this life than super bowls, the drudgery of work, and the illusion that the world is going down the tubes.

From childhood, my imaginary friends visited often when I was growing up and have never stop coming around, it wasn’t for my toys, I didn’t have any, but they had some cool ones. Now I suspect Milton comes over because he has a thing for my wife---but she doesn’t’ believe in Milton so I’m not worried.
Please don’t confuse my attempt at humor with sarcasm.

Things I saw while in the military that has nothing to do with ETs and everything to do with pure unadulterated hate from both sides of the color line makes me wonder how we humans have managed to last this long.

For now the information is for the few who know there is a bigger picture, and want some kind of confirmation no matter how diminutive. For the purpose of baby steps---the vast sea of humanity is nowhere near ready to give up their comfort zone.

Most of my experiences are not sieved out of dreams they happen in real physical time---like face to face meetings in my house, at a park, a restaurant, coffee shop, etc.

Why Milton allowed me these memories and why I have been given permission to share my experiences with you?
Because---lol---there is no one answer or reason to why other than there are some people that need and want that info even if it’s only delivered rhetorically.

After reading many threads on ATS and other boards one thing stands out for me when it comes to extraterrestrials, the carrots I dangle have little lure, in other words I’m not selling what most want to buy. If I was in this business for the money I would write what people want to read and believe.
My mission? To dangle carrots in front of carnivores---

I have received information from sources belonging to different sides than that of my spirit guides, but they remain anonymous.

Are you convinced that everything your spirit guides says is the truth?
What else do I have to go on? The media, Hollywood, our elected officials, our scientists, one of the hundreds of religions or other belief systems, our educational institutions, my first grade teacher Miss Miller---lol
We live in a world were few if anyone knows anything of substance---outside the meager workings of our simple lives here on earth. Which is fine and by design, and does that rhyme? When ETs are around me they are not spirits, they have physical bodies too. These beings have been around me even before I was born on this planet; they dropped me off here after a tour of the solar system in a ship. They continued visiting me in physical bodies on a regular basis while I was a child bringing me toys and things to eat. Whatever they are, I’m a good person and I know they are also.

I measure my responses to try and keep them in the somewhat acceptable zone.
This stuff is not for everyone---most are fast asleep because that’s where they are most comfortable.

Wouldn't this info alter the missions for some?
Only for those who take notice and then take advantage---a hard and difficult life is not written into stone for everyone.
Good and bad information is available to everyone, and it comes from many sources and outlets, and like in a grocery store we pick what we put into our basket and take home with us---to use as we see fit for our good or our detriment.

About my extended time here with earthlings:
Actually I was not buying time for myself, my wife, two daughters and other family members have made leaving earth a difficult proposition for me---I really like them and they seem to like me---lol---otherwise I would have been off this planet when my tour was up. Earth is a great place to visit but pales big time to what is out there amongst those billions of stars in our night skies.
So yes, Miltie increased my workload in return for that privilege---

The fact is I held back way more stuff that I could have added to the blog because I am already pushing the believability factor as it is---
If I ever add to that blog or write another one I may push the envelope a little further, but I really don’t need to because most believe this stuff is fiction, and I’m not interested in being a fiction writer---I hate fiction---
I have done my darndest to minimize how big and fantastic it really is, and I’m not joking!

There are many people who feel bad [due to my info], and I often wonder if telling my story has done more harm than good---

The vast majority likes their bubble of illusion that is this life, my blog is still looked upon as fiction---most cannot make that kind of leap in their thinking---life can’t possibly be that fantastic---lol---and it will not be for those that can’t think it.
Plenty of bullshit in this world to burn through, but no one need wallow in it like a hog in heaven, or hell for that matter.

Most of us have been burned in this world by falling for something that was “to good to be true” trap, and unfortunately that is a sound measuring device for those that don’t want to get burned over and over again.
But the things I talk about are not in the category “to good to be true”, most of it is simple common sense tools to get through this life and remain standing rather than letting this life grind us into the ground, only to be recycled again and again.
And for those who remain standing, metaphorically speaking, they will see for themselves what this kick-ass universe has to offer.

I try to be politically correct---but then again that is one of the big problems in this world we don’t want to hold anyone accountable.

My assignment is to rock the boat and piss off some people while doing so---lol
My reason for being here was on many different levels from day one on this planet, I haven’t really gotten into that much of it because some involves my military time and remains off limits. This is only my latest stage and it required that I remember more details than the other ones, it's all need to know basis

This stuff is for that minority that knows it to be true simply by hearing it, the rest will get there in their own sweet time---there is no deadline to beat.

I’m of the opinion that anyone intelligent enough to read this stuff or other stuff on the internet are also intelligent enough to make up their own minds---otherwise we will have to give people tests before we let them out into this big bad world by themselves---

Not everyone who reads this thread respond with a post---many read it and know---others get a laugh---because this message if one wishes to call it that is not for them.

I do care [whether people believe me or not] otherwise I would not waste my time here.

I don’t want people to believe anything they are not ready to believe---everything in its time is a good motto.

All of us fear ridicule, we don’t want to be anyone’s fool therefore most will remain with the crowd with the prevailing and acceptable beliefs---currently belief in ET is crazy talk---so even those that do believe or want to will remain quiet and wait for more of the crowd to cross that line before they do---I have been inside ET ships and have known all my life yet have done the same thing---this ET stuff is way too strange for the human brain, and I have one of those---lol

The message is “that we are not alone” for those requiring a peek behind the curtain---you would be surprised how many people only need that little bit of info and no more to get it. Understandably there are many that need that joyride fix every day, they are sick and tired of this life and want to fly off into space and live in utopia---and who the heck can blame them? Certainly not me.
That’s why I do what I do to let those people know that those things are real, they do happen--but not for everyone at the same time, and not for everyone in this lifetime
Personally I’m in disagreement with Milton, I think too much info is going out, especially if more people are not allowed to remember more of their trips---what’s the point of telling anything?

The best stuff is in this thread and my blog---yet most don’t want what I offer---they much prefer all that other garbage because it doesn’t come with silly-goose ethics and uncommon sense junk.

I didn’t have preconceived notions for this thread other than for it to be informative for some.

If you find it difficult to handle this current reality do you believe you are ready for the next challenge?

Certainly Milton could be pulling my chain and if my info is perceived as evil, then I humbly advise not taking it.

The infant body was built exclusively for me---it is my body----same with everyone who enters this planet and gets placed into infant bodies.
Some of my purpose is to subtly release this info---whilst being the laughing stock--- What the heck.

I came here voluntarily---I did a lot of volunteering in the army too. ---lol
Mostly mine choice, not “theirs”, but you are expected to fulfil a certain quota of duties. I knew what the assignment was in advance, but I only knew a fraction of the gory details; I don’t believe many would come down here if they knew the whole enchilada.

In 1970 while in the military they showed me a vision of me hunched over a computer keyboard, twenty-five years in the future. They told me I was going to write stuff.
The way they operate is classic clandestine, a shell game of sorts. I received info sometimes years in advance, and other times only moments before I need it.

I have an idea where I’ll be going from here, but now they are trying to convince me to piggy back on this assignment, so I don’t know whether I will or not---I was looking forward to a long vacation. It all depends on when they pull the plug on this one.

The reason I don’t mind answering the same questions over again is because there are many facets to any question depending on the perspective the question is presented.
There is no such thing as pointless questions, now, pointless answers is another story---

My answers come from both me and Milton----And his don’t come to me through telepathy, it’s more conventional---

I don’t have to disclose anything at all----I know I said this was my job, but it is voluntary, I could spend all my time fishing at the lake.
I don’t get any brownie points for spending hours like a Borg in the matrix wired to this internet thing---

I am free to enjoy my life here anyway I wish---and so too can most who are stuck down here---I just thought it would be cool to let “some” who may be interested, in on that little obscure fact.

Do you have another purpose other than to give us this info?  Yes I do.

Did you go through a phase of exhaustion when the reality of your ET past experiences came to your awareness? 
No because I was always aware at some level.

I get new info on a regular basis but I have to sift through lots of it.

It’s really not for me to tell anyone what they should believe, or what they know to be true in their lives.
But if you ask for my opinion or perspective then that is what I give.

My stories are all true and I have yet to scratch the surface and not sure that I want to---way too much stuff and info---which most people don’t really need anyway.
I admit I have been caught off guard by how reluctant some can be to this stuff.
Naturally those glued to their religious or “scientific” realities are the ones who would suffer the most problems because of the identity crisis they would have should those “solid” foundation liquefy under their feet.

Very few respond to my thread and many don’t because they have the same quandary. And with good reason---why upset the apple cart when the apple cart serves them well? Really there is no need to.
Take from the cart what is useful---if anything--- and leave the rest in the cart. This world is filled with bazillions of ideas and there is no way to swallow many of them---take what makes sense in your life and no more.

Don’t talk ET stuff with people who think it a nutty subject otherwise you come off looking the fool and some people don’t want to be around fools.

The fact that I have taken the time to answer all these questions speaks volumes about me--could be suicidal for my career here on ats.

Not many notice the zip files beneath the surface of simple statements and words. Sometimes words are worth a thousand pictures because words can’t be touched up only blotted out. As is the case for sensitive information released via the “Freedom of information Act”.
Another testament that nothing is free unless you value blacked out pages that hide the simple words from those who know. Should those words ever come out into the open they would be more proof than all the ufo pictures combined, simply because of the stature of the persons who wrote those words.
Now I can write some of those same words---for free, as I have been doing here, but few would believe a fellow named sleeper---

Sometimes it's hard to figure out when you're joking and when you're being serious?
That’s because ETs and UFOs are such serious subjects that far too many people simply laugh them off, because of deep rooted fears from childhood boogiemen---I’m only trying to lighten up on the fear factor---

I might be tempted to think that your jovial replies to tough questions were examples of the psychological defense mechanism of humor (one of the healthiest, if you are going to use one!) to tough questions that you really don't have answers for.
I also get many people who are a tad envious that I answer so many darn tough questions.

I’m not above being an ahole, but I don’t always intend it. I forgo giving details for numerous reasons---concerning what people experienced or may have experienced or are only looking to trip me up---oh yes it does happen---
Anyway, for those who have real experiences my telling them---even hinting might cause them undue distress because some ordeals are samples of what’s to come in their lives--should they not make certain changes---I’m not allowed to tell what those changes need to be-
--so in essence I can’t help.

I don’t change anyone and certainly not the world---it’s for each one of us to change ourselves with any information that may come our way---or via hard knocks.
I do this strictly to get schmoozed not to change the world---I guess I will have to work on my ego thingy---
How people interpret information they receive is part of the conundrum.
I didn’t communicate with symbols and I don’t know why that is.

What makes me so sure that I haven't been taken on a big ride of lies and deception?
They tell me to do the right thing in every situation---if that is bad advice then we are all in a bad situation.

Did you have a say in choosing this earth gig?
I picked this gig.

No one need to go with my humble or not so humble perspective of things---

"A sane man in a insane world would appear to be insane." (Spock in Star Trek)
So true, the insane believe themselves sane, and make up the majority of the population that has full control of society, the people that put them there.
But times are a changing and UFO nuts are a tad main stream now and at least tolerated more than before.
But integrity nuts that’s a whole different and far too strange an animal, and such nut jobs are certainly square pegs in a round world. Try talking integrity at work and see how quickly people’s eyes gloss over and they point the finger in their mouth thing---friends stop calling and you find yourself isolated---and looking for acceptance on internet chat boards---but enough about me---
My two children were stigmatized as goody-two-shoes while growing up in suburban schools, in so called good neighborhoods, where many of their classmates were into drugs, drinking and smoking. Although they were shunned by their peers they managed to turn out just fine. I seem to go from bad---UFO nut---to worse---integrity nut job----have I no shame---

How I get the info I don’t know---I just know it when I need it.

Most have no clue what we are dealing with behind the curtain; it’s not child’s play by any means.

The last time I said something really profound a disgruntled poster slapped me down, so I’m trying to cut back on my profoundness a bit, I don’t want to appear like “I’m all that and a box full of chips”---even though it’s Milton who says these things I end up getting the flack.

What reason should anybody believe what you have to say? 
Good question, why should anyone believe me---they certainly don’t need too---it’s not required that I’m aware of.
Why should anybody believe your comments to be the truth? The vast majority doesn’t believe my comments to be true.

I retain the right to stop participating out of the blue---in other words when my unemployment checks run out and I have to find a stinking real job---

At this juncture they [government] don’t see me as a menace, and if and when they do I will cross that bridge when I get there.

To which extent can we unlock that info? Up to us or up to them?
They only unlock what we can handle or what we have merited.
The info is off-limits because it would detract from our purpose here? Some are allowed a cheat sheet, most are not.

A lot of what I have delivered is politically incorrect.

Your memories of your past existence has you somewhat jaded about what most of us are feeling. That’s why they spared no expense in rubbing my nose in the dirt of this planet during most of my growing up years. They did their dandiest to break me, and have gotten really close many times---but the game is not over yet.

You have a base, a memory that we do not have--at least that we are allowed to remember.  Very true, but I have attempted to paint a sliver of the big picture with the very few tools they provided.

I’m not the only one on earth that has been places.

I hardly think my story will change the course of mankind.

If I was mainly here to sell my "story", I have failed miserably, since the word on my book got out a few months ago I have sold 15 books---

I entered after the birth, I came here in a ship, was shown the baby and then I was the baby in a bassinet at the foot of my parent’s bed. I continued to interact with those who brought be here until my sixth birthday and then they faded into the background.

Sometimes we think we have a grasp when it is only a glimpse... That was Mike's problem.

Do you know why you took on this task?
They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse----

It's a long story and not many have the stomach for it.

Did you complete your mission? In your blog you said to Neppti "Earth is a tricky gig". Were you referring to travel?
It’s more of an adventure than a mission. It’s a tricky gig because of the high numbers of vultures flying in with the influx of undesirables.

Writing is part of my assignment.

I grew up under unpleasant conditions, poverty, gang violence, hate, envy out the wazoo, and created some baggage along the way. I failed to read the fine print when I signed up for this gig! And was taken on a few "correction" trips off planet. 
Most people choose not to believe this stuff; even many that hang around my forums and make comments are only here to find cracks or weaknesses in what I say.
Gaga has billions of followers and I have 3 and a half, more or less. 
That too is no accident. The illusions in this world "must" stand! A heck of a lot has been invested to create all these illusions and some freak dog and pony show by a certifiable ufo nut like me isn't going to change that. Good thing I like the attention, otherwise I wouldn't waste my time typing on internet forums.

Buy or give my books as gifts, it will be the best gift they ever get. They'll either get a big laugh or a rude awakening.

I have manuscripts of other non ET subjects I would like to get done. I do most of my writing when the weather sucks.
Writing is hard work and I avoid it as much as possible, hence it takes forever for me to get a book out.

Are you experimenting with a new way to build ideals for the future world to follow? My ambitions are not that large, assuming I even have any ambitions; I'm doing good to answer a few questions now and then.

I was dropped into the lion's den lol. It was part of the training for this particular assignment.

Why have you been shown/told certain things that are really not fit for general human consumption? What is the point?
It's all about having enough time, "desire" to tell. My job was done with my last book. Everything else is extra. If the higher ups wanted me to crank out more info and books they would have given me more resources. 

Do you find it personally enjoyable or do you feel duty bound to answer these questions? I was asked if I wanted to do it, I said no, but then relented.

You say you 'tone down' some parts of what you say - which parts are these?
It's a time thing, I just don't have the time. Every little bit I let out opens up more questions. Therefore I tiptoe through the tulips.
I wish I could just download everything into the computer but they prefer I didn't. If I had the time and ability I would anyway. I should stop answering questions and write books nonstop, or go to Cancun and lay out on the beach sipping margaritas.
I'm the weak link in this whole deal. Imagine a cup of water, now imagine the ocean. So far I have dripped perhaps a cup or two of the ocean water.

I believe that you are not lying about it and telling the truth, BUT is it also possible that you were being deceived yourself?
Anything is possible.

Why do they give you the answers to the test and have you hand it out to us? 
Do they think no one will believe you anyway?
Most will ignore things that are difficult or painful, and more so if there is no clear prize for making those tough changes.

Do they let you tell us all this because they can hear and understand our thoughts and would know if we were faking being good?
They can't be fooled.

Are "vessels" like (y)our body essential for the playpen or just for this stage of human civilization?
Matter, the dense pixie stuff our bodies is made of is used for lower level realities, even a few notches above us.

I struggle with what I should put out there. I control the drips, sometimes I let out more than I should. It's not easy being me :-( But guess what, no one need believe any of this stuff, and since I can't prove it, it's all opinion, so there. My wife will not read my stuff because she can't handle it. Please, if what I write is disturbing and painful don't read it, don't believe it. It really is that simple.

I did need to work on a few things/flaws.

When you’re ET experiences started being in the military all the way down to your day with an extraterrestrial experience did you question what role God plays in all of this?
Yes, I even attempted to become a minister/pastor. I was raised a Catholic, but never practiced it much.
Became a Methodist in my later years and wrote a book to try and prove the reality of Jesus. After starting the book I was shown the real story behind the story. I finished the book anyway, explaining many of the miracles Jesus performed and some of the meanings behind many of the stories in the New Testament.

Did you ever pray to God about all of your experiences seeking answers of why? 
I did, I liked that part about "Seek and the door will be opened to you". That's what I did. Did you ever second guess yourself and question or even pray about it before believing everything you were being told?
I asked for the truth and demanded to be destroyed if there was any chance that I could deceive anyone or cause any soul harm.

Even after the day with an extraterrestrial did you ever second guess or wonder what if you were somehow being deceived or not being told the full truth by your contacts?
I certainly was visited by demons/renegades and taken places I did not want to be. I was rescued.

In some of your answers, you mention staying or being politically correct. Is that because it would be hurtful and would not really be of service?
You have to admit many of us humans are anal in our beliefs such as equality, racial and gender issues, superiority as a species, that our "rights" get violated, our positions or stations in life, etc. Some stuff you just can't talk about.

Since you remembered that you came here in a spaceship and you remember having contacts with extraterrestrial beings wouldn’t that be completely against any religions theology? Angels and demons fit perfectly in the extraterrestrial realms. I was aware of many things but not everything. They continue to feed me information now and then.

Were you very confused at the time and searching for answers to everything? 
No, I thought that I was on some kind of mission but wasn't quite sure what that mission was. I'm still looking for it lol.

Can you be in a higher dimension here on Earth and does it have to do with the "energy field" that accompanies you since before birth?

How have you been made privy to historical events on this planet and in the solar system?
I have great Internet connections!
Is it all things that you've been told or remembered somehow? Or is there an element that something was opened in your mind that allowed you to see the truth in events when focusing on them?

Why communicate to such a small number of people and in this manner?
The echo is much larger than it seems and neither Milton nor I get much of the credit for the echo.

Do they favor the English-reading, Internet-accessing, book-buying people of the world to receive this information?
They certainly haven't favored the book buying on my end. I should have delivered this message via romance novels and science fiction books like the DaVinci Code, that's what sells. For the most part, people prefer fantasy to reality.

If we are on this planet to rectify our past failings, then why are people such as yourself allowed to disseminate the truth? Surely this would be counter-productive if everyone knew the purpose?
The laws of the land are not hidden. Those who obey the law usually have an easier time/life than those who don't obey the laws. Information that helps us is all around for those who choose to pay heed.

I don't meditate, I don't channel, I don't mind meld nor do I use telepathy, I just type a few answers here and there for the heck of it.
How does the tool work? What is the experience like?
There is no tool and no experience or special feeling unless I have more than one glass of wine, which I rarely do. John can back be up on that.

The Sleeper info/trip is not for the weak.... but, I guess by noticing this stuff, I may be on to something better...right?
Not mine to answer.

Did you talk to your friends about these memories all your life when you were a child? Never told my friends.
If it happened to me when I was a kid I think I would explode if I didn’t tell people! I was not your normal average kid and I didn't speak English very well.

Did you tell your parents about your abductions and memories?
Only recently.
Did you tell your army buddies?

Can you please open up the box a little on the stuff you say you can't talk about.......
The box is wide open, the mind on the other hand is timid, shy and cautious as it should be.
We need all the help we can get even if we end up hating you for it.
We have our cake and some get to nibble on the their dreams, or so they think.

There are a LOT of different stories out there from a lot of different people who all claim to have experiences with ET's and UFO's and abductions and know these things that we seek. What makes it hard is that a lot of things they say are different and contradictory. How are we supposed to know who to believe?
Good question.

How do we pick the 'truth'?
Very carefully.
Do we listen to the person who seems to be the nicest to us?
I'm not that nice, have you seen me on ATS!
Do we just pick the one we like the best based on our own personal life experiences, prejudices and desires?
That's how we pick our presidents, our spouses. Don't always work out though.
What makes your story different from all the rest and why should we listen to you rather than all the others?
Another good question. There is no reason to listen to me.
What is the right way to determine who is right?
That's the 64 billion dollar question due to inflation. It used to be only 64 million dollars for that question.

Will reading this forum in any way affect the process we go through at death? Yes, we have the ‘go to the head of the line’ clearance.

What actually did make you tell us what has happen to you and the ET's, what was the thing that ring you in the ear and said, ok I will tell my experience online or to people? Did Uncle Milton have something to do with that or was by free will (Uncle Milton pushing of course)? It is part of my gig on this planet, not a large part. Milty does most of the work. 

You mentioned the idea that one of your experiences was of a planet or space ship city within our solar system doing a scenic cruise ship "watching the whales" sort of thing.....Please, elaborate on that cruise?
I wasn't ready to spill that, I need someone to edit my stuff before I release it to the public (can’t say anymore).

Does the government monitor all of us who visit this website?
Are they concerned we know the truth? That's what they are looking for too.
I don’t want to end up in a FEMA concentration camp.
No one on this thread will end up in such a place. They are looking for people who wish to over throw this country, not people wishing to do the right thing in life.

I have read a lot of things written by a lot of people, but none who wrote things that totally agree with what you say, so they must all be wrong.
Well, yeah!

I have never heard of one other person who has been chosen to share this knowledge with humanity. How does it feel to be charged with that task?
I still manage to live a normal life, well, somewhat normal lol.
This isn't something that you chose to do right?
I was hoping for more money.
Is it a burden? A blessing? A joy? A weighty responsibility?
No more than reading the newspaper every morning, it has its ups and downs.
How do you feel about the information itself?
The info is solid yet watered down more than a tad.
Do you feel that it is vital that people know this literally Earth-shattering stuff?
Not really, but if more people knew that doing the right thing had real value, this hellhole would be a better place to live.

It really has the ability to change the course of people's entire existence! Do you have the urge to tell everyone?
Who or how many hear this message is not my call, I just work here.
Do you not care whether people know or not?
I do care.

How much do you know about these "fiction" worlds?
Fiction? What’s that? lol there is no stinking fiction except on sleepy planets like Earth. I know a lot more than I'm willing to talk about.
I have plenty of books in me, most will remain there. The cat is in the bag for a reason. Can't make things too easy that would spoil all the fun and purpose of life.
Has Milton shown some of that stuff?
With friends like that, you don't have to go to movies!
Movies hint at what really is out there, even the horror ones.
Or is it just too hard to explain on a forum?
Time consuming.

For a large percentage of the population of Earth the little that I have shared is totally nuts. This is not an easy subject to breach for the sleeping masses who love their sleep time.

In your Viet Nam tour, your experience with that vehicle accident where you survived...was that a near death experience for you or just a spontaneous outside the box watching it happen?
That accident happened on a small Island called Okinawa, which was given back to Japan when I was stationed there. I didn't have a NDE. I experienced the whole thing as it happened, albeit in slow motion.

How much of the concepts/intel you refer us about is from Milton? Enough.

I did drip some of your stuff to someone and he was physically reactive, but blew it off by changing the subject.
Once something is placed into the mind it don't get blown off; like a seed it grows into a flower or a weed.

Ambiguity is the name of the game, orders from the top.
Why? Because.

Even the one called Jesus used parables. Very little in the bible and other ancient texts is straight forward. Much of the knowledge available to us today in our universities and labs is way off and theoretical mumbo jumbo. 
The truth is hard to swallow for those that stumble on it, and unwanted by those happy inside their bubbles. Many people are coming out or being forced out of their bubbles due to the economic storm, only to jump into other bubbles or safe havens.
Like I said many times, the more I push the limits of this illusion the more incredulous the info, and people flock back to their bubbles. Nothing wrong with that. Ambiguity allows leeway and possibility of other possibilities to chew on.

I'm not here to change the world, or anyone in it for that matter.

You might find this hard to believe but I am not privy to some of the information I freely give out to others. Why do ETs use a middle man for dispensing info? Because the chatter inside most peoples' heads is so loud that they don't hear the important things.

Slowly I am starting to get a different slant on your writings. The initial stuff was mind opening. The second wave hits the internal or personal aches....Can't really put into words... The third wave could be a doozy or not.

I'm sure due to your time in the military you have been to many third world countries. But have you lived in one outside of a military base?
Yes I have, but I'm not telling, so there.

It's no sin not to believe in ET’s and certainly it's not something you want to put in your resume' if you do believe lol. 
Our beliefs, whatever they may be, don't add up to a hill of beans, only our actions do.

How many who are asking questions of you on this board are, understanding what you are telling them?
How many are actually here for personal development, and how many are ATS'ers and others intending to catch you slipping up, force you into a lie, or whatever?
Don't know if anyone is here for personal development, most are here hoping for a joy ride with Milton. More than 2 and less than 100 are trying to slip me up.
To what extent is what you teach influenced by your current experiences as a human and your current ego?
Oh, it's all ego, 100% lol.
Are your words the pure, refined wisdom of Milton or Milton's wisdom as interpreted by Lou? Wisdom? From that freeloader Milton? LOL

I can talk about anything I want to talk about. Time is the problem. Every can of worms I open requires more time and explanation.

Were you allowed to remember (in bits and pieces) your past lives because (aside from this life experience this time on Earth) you asked to be put here on earth now to drip out info--to a select few on board...who you know are reading it loud and clear? Or I had the short straw.

Is ET making a statement about you and what you are doing with all the drippings?
In a subtle way.
Is this a possible signpost of things to come in the near future?
It's a sign of things that have been going on for a long time, right under our noses.

Just how absolute is the information you reveal, and how do you know it is such? I'm just guessing that it might be.

The military is a well-oiled machine, and highly bureaucratic. Every second of every member’s life is accounted for-----you don’t sneeze without a requisition order. Nevertheless of my three years of active duty nearly eight months of it is unaccounted for----totally blanked out of my mind-----most of that blank space was while I was overseas.

I was fetched by an NCO, dropped off at a hanger and told to go inside----I was mentally briefed by ET beforehand.
Most of the time I never saw the ship, I walked through plywood corridors that led into the ship. Sometimes there was no one around----not even guards-----which I could see.
Much of what goes on in the ship stays in the ship----sometimes I have a clear understanding of everything I did but when I try to put in on paper----I can’t make it happen, nor can I verbalized it.

Believe it or not [my day with an extraterrestrial] was all in one day, during that trip they opened up a few more projects I was involved in and I will write them down some day. Also I have the rest of my life before that visit, things while I was growing up, and then the military--which I have been told to keep quiet about for now.
I know why I am here, and personally I’m looking forward to moving on---off planet---I
know you like it here but things move so dang slow for me on this planet---

I have entered into the alien's body, a live body is simply a vehicle, a car---Milton could easily drive my car—body, but I would have to get a learner’s permit to drive his---if I went into his, it remains blocked---but it seemed so alien that I doubt I could simply go into it without having some wine first.
It would be like going from a basic car cockpit to that of an airplane cockpit---you would need some initial instructions to operate it. ETs have more bells and whistles---in other words more abilities.

Does the fact that you were born in Italy have something to do with your past life as a roman soldier?
It does.

How do we know that you are not being fooled?
You don't.

Do you ever get tired of answering the questions that are posed to you?
Yes I do.
What questions would you rather discuss?
Politics, religion and human sexuality. The three scourges of humanity.

If we are not supposed to know, why are you telling us with their blessing?
Most teachers give the answers or a variation of the answers before the test---no one needs pay any attention.

About "A Day with an extraterrestrial"

About the “hot alien space babe”:  
She looked human, and she was in a human colony but she also had powers that the average humans on earth lack, she healed my sore head instantly. Not ready to divulge other experiences on that colony other than to say there were more super humans like her there.

The cities I speak of in my blog were built by a race exponentially more advanced that what human are.

The cluster of stars is one of the thousands of similar places in this galaxy.

The "earthly" men found in on Uranus are part of a black ops thing, most have volunteered to go but they are from a human mixture a tad more advanced and they are learning new technologies that they may bring back to earth or other places. They are supplied via ET ships by other humans such as them that are in the program.

The "nectar for the gods":
As far as a recipe we don’t have the kind of vineyards here on earth that would produce that kind of wine---and that sucks!
The nectar had a purpose other than bring me to ecstasy, it was bubble wrap for the items she put into my mouth.

I was never completely blocked as far as memories go, I remember some of the trip here, and entering this planet, and waking up fully conscious inside of a baby’s body---my consciousness faded thankfully but they kept in touch with me throughout my life leaving me with many sneak peaks of the big picture.

My escapades as in the blog are not under my control, therefore I have no moral quarrel with them.

Milton transcribed what he wanted me to remember and I put some of it in the book.
The book was a first draft and I did not put in all the details because it was written as a screenplay. I originally wrote it as a screenplay because screenplays are much easier and quicker to write.

When Milton dropped his suit he was an orb of pure energy, and when he popped me out of my suit I was a smaller orb---but there was no mirrors around so I could not see what I looked like---I felt normal but seemed to lack my extremities---yet I was able to pick things up as if I had arms.

I didn't give blow by blow details of everything that happened otherwise the book would be more than a thousand pages---I don't have much patience for writing every detail---have you noticed how brief my posts are---

You spoke about your partner who took the assignment on Earth (as did you). Do you mean that your current wife is this same person or that the one you knew before Earth is somewhere else on this planet? Have you met up with this other partner since and did you immediately remember the love you had for this person?
That person is not my wife, and I have not met up with her nor will I while here. ---the dimensions of love above what we have here on earth is so vast and difficult to explain---but the love we have for each other is the love of mother, father, child and spouse all rolled into one---for everyone we come into contact with---that is for entities higher up than what I have mentioned so far. Only pure love exists at those levels---and the shades of it diminish as we ascend higher.

The scenario is only a hint of what is going on in this solar system---not even touching on what is happening in this galaxy---reader’s brains would melt---

The scenario is my dumbed down version---and still many don't buy it---but then again I'm not selling---only telling a sliver of the big picture of what exist behind the fog of this existence---for those interest.

The pool table had pockets and was part of a demonstration/ test, one of many tests and demonstrations I participated in. Btw, not stuff I will expand on or talk about on this thread.

The blog is written as a screenplay, and kind of gives a three dimensional feel to the story---

I know that my blog comes off as fictional fantasy but I did all I could to make it believable by not including the really far out stuff---the things we are forced to do to avoid being laughed out of town, or put into a straitjacket.

You mentioned something secreting special enzymes. Was the object animate or inanimate? Do these enzymes that you spoke of have to do with information? 
The objects were animate, and were coded to react with certain specific enzymes---and if the balance of enzymes is off by a smidge the things rip out of my chest and eat me up like a Praying Mantis. Well not really but Halloween is right around the corner---

Why was it necessary to conceive & collect new samples of sperm and ova? 
Basically they want the DNA to create other humans, hybrids and clones, for earth and other planets or areas in space.

Why humans were taken to populate other places if there were already other species living there, such as in the case of Uranus.
For many reasons, some similar to why we have Americans, French, Italians, etc, living in countries like China, Africa, Japan, etc.

Yes, I have heard from Neppti but briefly.

I certainly do remember something else besides what I wrote in my blog, but they haven’t given me the time to write it all down yet.

There was plenty of intrigue in Milton’s ship hallway, more than I care to mention.

Who was Milton referring to when he said "we have made you difficult to track you down"?
I'm not difficult to track down anymore, well, for some. He was referring to humans and ETs. The first few decades I was here finding me was near impossible, I left little if any signature. 

Who are others like you? 
I don't need to know 

"Each member has unique information": Member of what?  And that info is confidential for a reason.

Is it possible that we are in danger too because of seeing this information? In danger of ridicule. 

What did he meant with "you are a code, so we keep you people scattered all over the solar system"? Are we part of this code? 
The code is not traceable by human means and those on this board are not part of the code...if they know what's good for them. 

Your current incarnation on Earth was an option. What other options did you have? I could have remained where I was, in a utopia existence, coming to Earth is like a stint in the Peace Corps except that you fully immerse into the tribe and become one with them.

Are Terrans on Uranus being trained for black-ops duties? Are they doing time, quarantined? Some are black ops, all are quarantined and controlled to where they can go. Some are doing time.
Do they mingle with Uranus beings, ET's and other entities there? They have intermediaries.

When Milton took you across the galaxy as an orb, you said you were the size of a quarter: do you actually remember visiting your grandmother until now?
My memories are clear, the ones I'm allowed to remember. I felt like I always feel, legs, arms, body, yet I was out of my body and had no body. Plenty of energy, light as a feather and flew like superman and could go much faster. There is no describing the excitement of flying. Many dream they are flying, and they really are but think they are dreaming. The exhilaration is much more intense than a dream state remembrance.
Overwhelming and then bliss.
Showered with inexhaustible love and positive energy is beyond human comprehension. Here on the rock we get very little of that, we really are stingy with our love down here.

You mention that you remember being on a spaceship and brought here and placed in a baby so does that mean you came from somewhere else in the universe or was it a direct flight from Uranus?
It wasn't a direct flight from Uranus, I took the scenic route out of this star system and then to earth/hell.

Does that all seem real to you or is it more like a dream now?
Dreams don't seem real because they take place in higher dimensions. This took place in this dimension, it was real, and I remember it as such.

Are you sure it happened?
I know it happened, it happened many times during my time here. I have yet to write many of my encounters while growing up and those in the military and after. I remember the locker but not everything that was in it. Most of my encounters remain blocked.

How come you are not in the "shell game" anymore, you are out in the open, exposed and exposing all these things. Why do the other side of the ET forces let you do what it is you do? I'm not much of a threat at this stage.

Are they, the other side, weaker than Milton's?
Much weaker but they have much power on this lower planet.

Are they evil ET, renegades? Do they want us down for dark reasons? They cater to the majority, they pander to ignorance.

I thought both sides wanted the best for us, even if they wouldn't agree on "the treatment"? That was my politically correct line.

When you were on Uranus in the tube city did it feel like a 3D reality or was there something else?
There was a higher consciousness. No confusion of what is real and what is not real. This book is a watered down version of what is going on in this solar system.

Did you happen to see any bug-like creatures? Or Bigfoot perhaps when in the space station or Uranus?
I didn't see any bugs or walking carpets during that trip that I recall.

When you were in space, was it still dark like seen from Earth or did the stars light it up much more than we can imagine?
Some places in space are darker, but not dark matter, something else is going on. Inside the ship the glass makes everything brighter and magnified. Outside the ship, for me anyway the stars seemed to light things up, but the sun also made things brighter.

When you were out-of-body and went from Uranus; the panorama vision is actually reported by people who have OBEs here. Did you live on that planet before you were a legionnaire here in past lifetimes?
I did live in that city but the city moves around and orbits other planets.

Did you mention that everyone there is bald - or did I misread that?
Depends where they live in the city, there are other entities including hairless apes with hair like here on earth.

Do you know much about the unfortunate people that were taken from the crowd into the separate ship by greys? Were they to do with that operation you were in? I don't know what happened to them.

You were on some family planet where you saw you Grandmother...could she see your Grandpa where he was? Does she get to stay there for however long she wishes? Yes.

Were you, in your previous life in that utopian city, also within a level of illusion, although much more aware of the "real" existence?
That existence was not illusion.

Has anyone ever approached you about making "A day with an extraterrestrial” into a movie?
Not really.

The human colonist on Uranus, Joe, mentioned there was black op's upon black op's working there, who did all these groups belong to? Countries? Renegades? And what are their purposes?
Yes, yes, and they do have a purpose.

Milton said your purpose was to drop hints to those who are ready for a bigger view; your message obviously helps our souls and development (by us doing the right things in life) but is there something more to it than that especially the stuff you drip that raises the mystery curtain a little bit?
There is a lot more to it than that, mystery and intrigue are part of the mix that I have yet to touch on, if I ever do. I love my coffee breaks you know.

What was the activity going on in Mars? Milton said he would share it with you later, what did he tell you?
He told me to keep it to myself.

Milton said the Renegades might try and put you into storage....what is that? What happens? It would involve removing me from terra.

Milton said you and others like you contain pieces of a code? What is this code? And what are all of you to the greater picture of things? What is the difference in the information you carry?
I'm not telling.

That book scratches the thick surface of what is going on in our galaxy. And yet many people believe it fiction, the very people who believe Darwinism's shit just happens theory. LOL, what are people smoking on this planet anyway.

About the truth

Here on earth as we all know the truth is difficult to come by----and most of us wouldn’t know the truth if it fell on us like a brick wall----the truth is a tough concept down here. But it’s not on the other side.

There are people making lots of money selling books about alien stuff that is completely wrong yet many flocks to buy their books, fiction sells very well.
People can make a great living selling gloom and doom---for some reason many people enjoy hearing about the dark side of things.
btw, I have lost thousands of my hard earned dollars with all of my books and writing endeavors---few writers make money unless they are on the payroll of some newspaper or they have best sellers---the vast majority of writers do not make money selling books---some will not admit it fearing that it would reflect on their credibility---lol
I had to get that off my chest because I hate it when retards accuse me of writing for the money---

Not everyone can comprehend the idea of extraterrestrial life and sometimes its best not to try and convince them -- the vast majority of normal people are not ready for the big picture---and that’s OK.

I know because I was told and shown, why----that I don’t know----------------but you will have to decide for yourself what you know and are willing to believe-----everyone has the capacity to know the truth-----however, knowing the truth is not requisite to achieving a fulfilling and productive life----knowledge is a two edge sword-----too much and it can disrupt things.

I want to share the proof but the proof is not mine to give----it’s patented and belongs to ET, I have asked----they said no---so you are free to ask them---maybe they will give it to you. ET hardware is proprietary and not mine to give or show, also if they want themselves to be known by the general public that’s up to them.
For now proof is dealt out to individuals---one human at a time.
There is no solid proof because they run a tight ship with zero tolerance for breaches in the system. I can get around some of that because of Milton

It’s not mine to give I didn’t create their stuff----even if I wanted to their stuff obeys them.
How do I give proof to someone who is looking at proof in front of them and all around them? If I took a microchip and showed it to anyone 75 years ago they would have thought it was a bug.
If I showed you something out of Milton’s world it will be the same---incomprehensible---it would fly in front of you and you would think it an insect.
Any tangible evidence would be considered hostile without a full disclosure. ---it would create more questions, more confusion and ultimately paralyzing fear.
Everyone wants proof, and why not, but proof requires something in return, one has to be able to get their mind around a thing before they can grasp what that thing is.
Your pet dog will never understand your computer or why you spend so much time on it because its mind can’t penetrate human concepts and contraptions.
Some of us have a difficult time crossing a similar barrier, therefore what good is proof? If a UFO landed at the White House most would believe it was human black ops or some Hollywood stunt.

I don’t appreciate when others plagiarize so I don’t. I do not read science fiction books. My experiences are real.

I understand that it is difficult if not impossible to believe that Extraterrestrials are here without being able to see them----but the true mystery is not why many don’t know about them, instead it is why so many do.
BTW most that know about ET will never admit to it.

Adults don’t want to know the answers [to some stuff]---nor could they handle the answers---Some of this stuff can be a burden if you chose to believe it----because you still have to live in a world that is fast asleep---and being one of the few that is awake----is a challenge not suited for everyone----especially as a teenager.

As long as you keep this stuff in the realm of philosophy you’ll stay out of trouble.

There is something wrong about writing fiction and claiming it’s the truth----I wish people would stop doing that---but if they did much of what’s on the internet and written in books would have to be discarded.

There are several possibilities, perhaps life never ends and we continue forever----we go somewhere or come from somewhere else when we die or get transferred, or relocated or stationed like some kind of covert military garrisoned on earth. Oops, I let the cat out of the bag.

The truth is as clear as the nose on your face, but we can't see our own noses very well unless we look in the mirror.

You've heard the old cliché "truth is stranger than fiction." Most people don't want strange, or truth, they prefer fiction, it's easier on the digestive system.

Sightings prove nothing----people want the meat and potatoes before they will believe-----ETs have to land and come out and ask someone to take them to their leader. If that's about to happen I have been left out of the loop, darn!

I can't prove god, ETs, the tooth fairy or Santa Clause.
However-----there is a tooth fairy I have seen her on more than one occasion----she had a strange resemblance to my wife and put money under my daughters pillows when they lost teeth.
Santa Clause was more difficult but he exists too----I once had to fit myself into one of those red suits and bring gifts to put around the tree while the children peeked from the other room with my wife.
Everything on this level of existence (earth) is an allusion-----something or someone is behind the allusions-----children don't know who is behind those fairytales-----they don't care-----they are real----the presents are real-----the money under the pillow is real.

Even scientist has problems with the proof thing, that’s why they are full of theory---to put it nicely---
A few words are worth a thousand pictures---hence how many pictures have been debunked--every single one of them---but words and experiences are not so easily discredited.

Reality? Which reality, the one that kept people believing for thousands of years that the earth was the center of the universe----like many still believe today. The one where for thousands of years everyone believed earth was flat?
I know those analogies have been over used and apply to everything including grandma’s secret cookie recipe, but they are hard to beat.
You live in the world that makes senses to you----what else do you have to go on?
Some people have more to go on----or different experiences-----and therefore their reality is changed.
You can’t project your reality to anyone else-----some people live sterile existences and wear the blinders prescribed by the particular society they happen to live in.
There are six billion people on this planet----ETs have removed the blinders from a few million of those people.
You may say that I am brainwashed or delusional-----however, I’m not the one who believes trillions of solar systems are devoid of life-----I know better.

In this big bad world you have to get your own proof-----no earthling has the authority to hand it out.
I have proof but I can't share it so I look the fool-----still, since I am able to remember many of my experiences I take that as sign that I can speak about some of them. Many know something is going on-----so I tell a few things to validate that there is something going on. What is proof for me? I have listed some in this tread, I have been in ET ships----most of the time I find myself inside them with no idea how I got there----I leave the same way.
ETs gave me proof----and I never asked for it-----they give proof to thousands of people---most will never admit to it, and many will take what they know to the grave with them. It took me fifty-two years to talk about my involvement.
The proof is not "out there" it's here on this planet-----for thousands, maybe millions of people that have tasted it.

It is forbidden to show evidence----not a copout, it's just the way it is, but I do have a stone, it’s a meteorite that was given to me many years ago when I was younger. I even tried to break it open to see what was inside it when I had one too many drinks, again many years ago. Obviously the stone is not proof of anything, meteorites are everywhere but they never told me if it’s from this planet or some other planet or moon---or other star system. The rock is cold and hard, it is 2 ½ inches by 2 inches. Weighs about a pound.
I’ve had that rock for a long time and I never gave it much thought until last week.
I don’t remember if I asked for it.
I'm sure I will get lots of flak for posting that I have a meteorite from an extraterrestrial but ET would not let me video tape or take pictures of their ship. So bring on the laughs and snickers.
The rock is a meteorite-----testing it will only prove that----which proves nothing.
If they wanted me to present proof they would have given me something more believable, a rock is a rock even if it’s from another planet or solar system. This rock is not proof of anything; it’s only part of my story.

Fiction holds more truth than what people call reality.
Fiction talks about space travel, other inhabited worlds, magical star ships---all true
Reality talks about what can be observed----for thousands of years humans observed the sun going around the planet---so that was reality.
Today those with both feet firmly planted on reality believe that billions and billions of star systems are void of intelligent life simply because ET hasn’t picked up the phone and called us.

My little stories and those of others are thrown into the mixture of the alien scenarios---- which is mostly slanted towards the frightful aliens from science fiction books and movies----strangely more people are comfortable with those types of aliens because they can be defeated, unlike the real ones.

The reason why people hate to admit to believing in god or a higher being is because it makes us feel foolish and weak---and no one likes those feelings.

Some know about this curtain [behind reality]----most don’t----even many that have seen the curtain----have not seen the curtain---or have failed to make the connection
For those of us that know about the curtain we have to live with ridicule should we chose to speak about it----by those who are oblivious to its reality. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it----

Only one hundred years ago everything that we call common today was pure magic and crazy talk back then
What I talk about today is pure magic and crazy talk----but it will not be in a few decades.

The only truth most of us are looking for is why our team never makes it to the super bowl? Is it the players or management?

Lots of people write books and sell them I have written and posted hundreds of pages of fantastic material all for free and in so doing have stirred up a hornets nest of jealousy, hate and lies against me---I doubt Hitler was so despised---lol
Even my blog is free of money making ads---

Every little bit of info helps someone get a glimpse of the big picture, some will get it faster than others, some will never get it and remain stuck in the egoism, war mentality and evil.

The truth is out there, and has been under everyone’s noses for a long time.

I have told things that have blown people away---and they refuse to believe because it’s too crazy.
So instead of exaggerating my experience as some suspect---I have instead toned them down big time---the truth is so much more mind boggling.

It’s not called the big picture for nothing, we live in a universe whose size remains undefined--where physicists and astronomers remained dumbfounded by its perplexity, and have yet to come up with good enough theory that is satisfactory to any of them. It’s that good!

The real truth as we have seen throughout the ages here on earth usually brings with it a major shift in belief systems---it's never abrupt, but it slowly trickles in for months, years and sometimes decades and many people are not even aware it happened.
Stories like mine are subtly penetrating into the public consciousness---some will take notice others will take an Advil and hope it passes---

Some of the leading ufologists should be called “sandmen” instead because they perpetuate the status quo by debunking the real stories in favor of the “scientific method”
Nothing wrong with the scientific method, especially with the moon pictures, but the meat and potatoes will not be found with that method---the mind will have to go there first.

The minute I tell anyone I’m going to provide proof you will not hear from me again---funny how some people on ATS want me gone---lol
They can't kill me but Milton will pull me out.

It’s “common knowledge” for most people that extraterrestrials can’t possibly be visiting earth. As you know there is no such thing as common knowledge, now common illusions there are plenty of.
The truth about anything? ---no one can handle the truth, or more likely they don’t want the truth

It’s so strange most humans can’t take that much enlightenment in big chunks.
Look how much resistance I get from spoon feeding it here---most spit it right out---lol 

Even though most know this basic truth, truth stated in certain ways can be shocking for some, however, this thread is about revealing things hidden away in our minds due to superstition.

Truth becomes more evident when those that detest it stink with hatred for those who reveal it, when truth is not the concern few who are against it make any noise. Make no mistake the stuff I reveal is the truth.

The flower follows the sunshine; those looking to improve can see the signs more clearly all around them, and are less likely to stray off the path.

Persons who are always looking for pieces of the big picture (or the puzzle) and have been contacted or have had "weird" unexplainable occurrences:
It’s because they have too much time on their hands---
Or, they simply know that there is a bigger picture, in the same way that birds and Monarch butterflies know there are warmer places to hangout during the cold months and head south.

Truth can never be compromised or minimized by any guild---but most are not looking for truth, they are looking for “what’s in it for me” and that’s what the guides deliver.

If humans could see the big picture they wouldn’t be here wallowing in the little things which hold many of us down. Unfortunately and by design all we humans can expect to get while here on earth are crumbs of the big picture, nevertheless, only few are resolute to partake in such feasts.

Even before I was given the opportunity to reveal more details [about the sun being pregnant] two mods scoff at the breakthrough idea and moved it to skunk works---granted that concept is way out there and perhaps they put it where it belongs.
Some are ready for the big stuff but far too few, so I will continue to drop small clues now and then, I don’t like giving away good stuff to rabid sceptics, you know pearls before swine kind of thing---lol---it offends to see pearls trampled, belittled, and dragged through the mud by the hateful, the envious and especially the fools. 

The free flow of information is not an easy task because there are too many that don’t want the real stuff out there---and why put stuff out there that so few are ready for?

Certain truths in this world do not necessarily set people free---because truth is subject to the twists and turns of people’s tendencies for bigotry.

Tabloids have at least on occasion, the real stuff. The movie “Men In Black” for instance, gets their best tip-offs from tabloids---lol. Nevertheless a fascinating story filled with solid material and un-provable truth.
Some are searching for more info for a variety of reasons and all who seek will find “some” of what they seek. Some will find more than they can handle and go into denial or simply dismiss what they don’t want to be true, because it may require them to change a lifestyle. Truth is not for everyone and most can and do live without it just fine---

There are many paths to the truth; they only differ in their complexity to finding it.
Like in a rat maze, the smell of the cheese always throws off those who are led by their nose, rather than their intellect and their heart.

The nearer the truth the higher the ridicule factor---because things get way too strange for the human mind.
We can’t fly so we created steps to reach high places---the higher up we go the more steps we have to make to get there.

Every dimension has its own truth and there are many dimensions.
In our reality one truth does not fit all----and it never will---have you ever tried to change anyone’s truth for them?

Are you answering questions for the sake of answering questions, or should we let you open your Pandora's Box? 
Because a few “think” themselves ready is it right to subject others who are not ready or even aware, to the potential horrors they may perceive from the opening of a Pandora’s Box? The lid of that box remains tightly sealed, and has not been opened yet.
A few alleged crashed ships and dead alien bodies that few people have seen means nothing but speculation for the masses. Pandora’s Box is not open.

Most cannot or perhaps should not grasp a lot of the concepts or knowledge that you and even more so Milton, posses. Why not try us? 
People get tried every now and then, the searching stops for those who pass---they are few but they also have conditions they will abide by.
There is a heck of a lot of stuff going on yet most walk right on by because there is no crowd. We want what everyone else wants----the drama, lights action and end up missing the real stuff in life.

If you think that, using human logic, something is not so right here, that’s a sign of waking up---which could make things easier or more difficult depending on one's point of view--most people prefer to sleep though this life---“wake me when it’s over” kind of deal. To each their own.

Truth is a double edged sword---to get it we must give something up---like cherished illusions---most will not make the tradeoff. Most would argue that they would make the tradeoff but when given those options in dreams on real alien ships they don’t.
The human mind is a strange animal we think we know what we want; we believe the absurd and easily discount what is right in our hands.
Making the tradeoff is a complicated affair for most, and there are stipulations to making those tradeoffs---nothing is given for free. Certain tradeoffs require certain actions to take place first.
A soul embroiled in turmoil has a weak hand at the bargaining table.
Family is of huge importance in our lives here on earth---if souls can’t be family friendly how can they possibly handle bigger issues---spiritually speaking.
Family is extremely important to our wellbeing while we are here and doubly so when we return to the other side. All of us should remember that no one owes us respect, but we owe everyone respect. Enjoy the family as often as possible! 
Why sympathy, people do and believed what they want or can, no rules or galactic laws against it. We will all get stamped with the truth at checkout time. So no biggy.

Are there times you think you have pierced the veil, just to find another behind it?
Those who have it can see their way through the hall of mirrors we call life with little difficulty, but it’s not a trait we acquire overnight if at all.
When you know without a doubt what is behind the curtain there is no excuse.

Isn’t life scary enough without trying to pry open Pandora’s Box?
Pandora’s Box is open but things don’t fly out of it like in the movies, they creep out slowly otherwise they would disrupt the order of the universe, and we don’t want that.

The truth is not the same for everyone, just take a gander at the myriads of truth on this one planet concerning politics and religion---which one of them has the truth ?---they all think they do.

Yes, the truth would crush us.

Truth only comes to those who are pure or at the very least going in that direction---not many are.

It would be rare that anyone got hold of info that would make top dogs nervous, besides they have ways of dealing with those who do way before leakage happened.
You need only worry if you have tangible proof and threaten to bring it into the open, then it becomes more work for the missing person’s bureau.

Is it just a sick game where things that actually happened are released in a way where they are easily debunked, so the truth is told but it isn't kind of thing ?
Everyone processes info at different levels so a lot of different type of info is thrown out there.

What is the religion or way to truth?
It’s not really hard at all---simply do the right thing in every situation and slowly things will fall into place, including understanding.

All the secrets in life are available to everyone who wants them and are ready for them, for those who find them in this thread so be it.
On old saying is that “the truth hurts” and people are killed for much less than the truth, and
I’m not talking about stuff on silly conspiracy boards like this one. I’m talking political and religious truth around the world.

The only truth most people can handle is the truth that they can agree with, or favors them--no other truth is accepted.

The problem with truth is that if we find it then we have to change to conform to it---most on this planet don’t want nor intend to conform to it, therefore the truth is not for them.

The truth doesn’t set anyone free, it binds us---in other words once you know the truth you can’t take the “Fifth”, in Fifth Amendment speak.

There are many truths. The individual true concerning each one of us exclusively that concerns why we are down here on earth. And then there is the truth that concerns places of hemorrhage like Iraq and other countries in distress across the world.
Those truths are not for human consumption. And then the ancillary truths like communism, capitalism, republicans, democrats etc. They all believe to be the bearers of truth---but that’s impossible----

Since few will ever know the truth, and fewer still will ever become enlightened there is only one thing left to do.
Our actions speak louder than any truths or knowledge we may think we have attained. In the checkout lane of life the only thing that will matter is our actions, or lack thereof.

Seeking information that is useful, if and when found, is not envy, it’s just plain smart. Life is an Easter egg hunt.
Should we be just focusing on what is in the plate in front of us instead of wanting to know these things? 
If these things are interfering then yes.

You know how when you wake some people up from sleep they jump and look confused, and some get mad that you woke them up, and then go back to sleep. That's kind of the same situation with ufo nuts, and the people who are too smart to believe in this stuff. They don't want to be waken up from a sound sleep. Everyone will wake up "on their own" when they are ready. Most will go to the grave and then wake up. That's cool too.

Few want the truth, because it hurts, hurts the ego. Truth is much stranger than fiction, but fiction is fun and tangible when sold as truth in a 3d environment. Like any commodity in a free enterprise system, demand creates supply. Real truth is not a commodity that is in demand.

The sleeping masses don't know and in many instances don't care about the "bells and whistles", the diluted human versions. The stranger the info the less believable it becomes. The honchos have nothing to fear that their little secrets will be believed, even if they did get out. 

If your family don't believe you, don't tell them anymore. Most people have not reached the level of UFO nut. Their loss. 

Most people will find the answers they seek in their own sweet time. If they have no interest in what you tell them, talk about things they are interested in.

Why the deception? Why not just keep it real and let the people of those worlds find things out on their own?
Why do we tell children about the tooth fairy? The Easter Bunny? Santa Clause? We tell them and show them the things they can grasp. As they/we get older we are given bigger fairytales to make us happy. We have to graduate from 3D to get the real meat and potatoes.
But at the same time, you can tell a two year old the truth about the Easter Bunny and they would believe you because you didn't tell them the lie in the first place and it won't affect their lives.
What is truth for a two year old? Whatever they are told by the parent. What is truth for an adult? Whatever they are told by the society they are raised in.

Most know we are not alone; admitting to themselves or others is a whole other story. For the ego to feel its worth we need to believe we are it, number 1, a bag of chips. Funny thing is we are number 1 under all the baggage we carry around.

There is a point that most of us will reach where we "know". The moment we die no matter if we go up or down we "know". Granted just because I say I "know" don't mean diddly squat to those frozen in 3D mode. So, you either believe me or you don't. Those who haven't experienced supernatural stuff can't really know about the supernatural. They either believe or they don't.

Most of us believe what we want to believe, proof or no proof. And what is proof? Is a tree biological, or a machine? Or is that the same thing? If machine then that implies something created it, if biological implies it created itself via the pond scum theory of the origins of life. How can one or the other be proven? Can't while in 3D land. We simply believe whichever life "concept" is nearest to our way of thinking and seeing the world.

The truth is filtered by our prejudices; therefore few people will ever see the "truth". We are not here to impress the higher beings we are here to prove to ourselves what we are made of. Every ordeal is a testament to what we are made of.

We all seek for truth at our own unique level of understanding. That's why attempting to change other people's perceptions about anything is nearly impossible.
For one it's not our job. But we can certainly share ideas. I'm not here to change or alter beliefs, only put out some weird info, people can do whatever they wish with that info.

Compassion/unconditional love, are the only truths that count. Everything else is stage props.

Truth is a gift, it cannot be given, borrowed, stolen or acquired by any human means. In other words we only know an apple is an apple because we are allowed to know that. But is it really an apple? And what the heck is an apple anyway?

A taste of the big picture is beyond explanation, it can only be experienced by those who have tasted it.

Sometimes knowing too much information will make us crazy. After all, we are only human.
Answers to good questions are for anyone who reads them, not directed to those who pose the questions.

The problem is that we try and mesh those few great truths we stumble over with the great lies all around us. The two puzzles don't fit together well.

There so many people that if given a tiny micro peek at the big picture, could change their lives and so make this world a better place ...well kind of.
If that were true the world would be a better place. Everyone gets more than a micro peek, over and over again and yet little happens to wake them up. That's why they have drill sergeants with army boots looking for butts to kick.

The truth is some wicked stuff that most of us only think we can handle. The "truth" is peddled by everyone and their grandmother on the Internet, Hollywood, politicians, and academia. The so called truth bombarding us every minute of every day is much easier to swallow than the real stuff. The real stuff gets little press for a reason.

Everyone wants the truth. And everyone receives their own truth. The problem is we are not here to get the truth. The truth is none of our business. We are here to do the right thing in every situation we are "put" into. And that's the truth.

We are blocked from seeing and grasping the big picture. We can peek under the curtain now and then but that's all. 
If we know we cannot know, then what is the purpose of this life?
A prison for most, a learning experience for others.
There are many beliefs and theories out in the world but none of them can be proven. That too is part of the obscurity of the learning process.

How do you know that your "truth" is relevant or transferable to others? My truth is irrelevant.

Truth is persistent and will eventually breakthrough the toughest barriers----some people find it early and therefore move forward sooner others take longer and require more life times on planets like earth before they make contact with the truth.

We only see what we are ready to see. Some want to be ready, most do not.

For those who get this individual wake there a specific reason for this or just a stumble into it for a heads up? Or, is this a wake-up job interview?
This and the next few generations will get some glimpses behind curtain number one. The reasons for this "temporary" glimpse remains a secret.

There are plenty of curtains, we are in one now, and yet most remain behind it due to their own blinders.

Many people walk around like zombies because they don't know how fantastic existence is. The leaders don't know either.

Information from the gods is privileged info and has never been a right---nevertheless seek for the right reason and you will find everything you need to know to get “your” life in order---those who do that may then get additional info afterwards---impatience is not a virtue but a stumbling block for those who drink too much from it.

About skeptics

I tell my story----granted----a little at a time----for free, and for some reason it really bothers a lot of people.

As far as I know no one is forcing anyone to read this stuff----change the channel if you don't like what I am saying. When the questions stop----I will stop.

I do use humor sometimes - I know the level of skepticism so I try to accommodate with humor: not everyone gets my humor as is evident by the childish attacks.

I know that skeptics think I am making all this up because my mom neglected me while I was growing up and I compensated by creating these imaginary friends. Well my life was not that bad, and my mother didn’t neglect me. My life has always been fairly good, and sometimes great----so far I have been fairly lucky, if one wishes to use that word.

Many fundamentalist believe there is a hell and they want to save people from hell----and apparently from me---because I know that hell is a story to frighten people----to control people.

Only an infant mind can believe ETs don't exist. Billions of planetary systems equal billions of inhabited planets. Inhabited not by microbes but by people like us----some less advanced and some far far more advanced.
Wake up little children.

People that believe we are alone in the universe need to see a psychiatrist. Then again lots of psychiatrists believe we are alone in the universe----that fact alone should tell you something.

It’s understandable that some people need proof of things unseen. But much of what millions of people accept with little hesitation, natural selection (Darwinism), has no proof.
Darwin had many good ideas about the origins of life yet he never came up with proof. To this day none of what he espoused, theorized and believed strongly towards----is provable, although much of it makes sense. His lack of proof doesn’t receive the same criticism from the scientific community that other disciplines and philosophies seem to garner.

Nevertheless, unlike religion and its secular counterpart (Darwinism) both pretty much based on conjecture, thousands of people have experienced extraterrestrial contact----real physical contact----yet those who haven’t experience this physical contact refuse to believe them.

How can one prove they hugged their child last week, the hugging can be recreated but that does not prove you hugged your child last week----can we take the child’s word for it? How do we know that the child wasn’t having the same delusion----perhaps their deep need for a hug is behind this delusion?

Not believing in something because one lacks personal experience is not rational.
If that concept was applied across the board there would be few things left to believe in. Just a thought.

Many see authority figures as real jerks, police, school principal, parents, the boss and ET.

A diagram proves nothing, there are hundreds of diagrams out there and anyone can draw whatever they want.

Why am I on this thread? Because I enjoy all the insults by people who believe themselves smart
They have dug down deep into their endless bag of wisdom and proclaimed with absolute profundity that sleeper is wrong because they say so----
So far that has been the best argument against me---

Too bad if they can’t push the envelope a bit and stretch their mind around stuff like that-----I guess they’ll have to wait until it happens to them before they can believe-----nothing wrong with that.

Unlike some skeptics I don’t look down on non-believers but I sometimes respond to them when they attack my integrity, which happens often.

In my first thread I was still putting together pieces of the puzzle, every day more pieces are added, should I withhold them if they contradict things I have said in the past?
Some people would poop their pants if they ever met an alien---most do, and would remember nothing about their experience because of the fright---yet they talk big on these threads--- Some skeptic’s eyes are wide shut to the UFO phenomena and therefore anything I say is going to be goofy for them.

Many people don’t become physicist because it’s a difficult science to comprehend and therefore they don’t waste their time with it.
Many people can’t get their heads around the idea of extraterrestrials and they don’t waste their time with it.

So why do skeptics come here? For the attention, or just to pester those they don’t agree with? They may be an intellectual and even a scientist but they are sometimes acting like a spoiled child---
They are party crashers that bring nothing to the party; they come for the free food and drink, kind of like leaches and fleas---lol
If you notice many of them have little luck with their own threads so they go to the hot threads and try to look cool---
If you are looking to amplify a few minor discrepancies and there will be some, then you are not open to the big picture---the one I have been giving away free of charge vie the graciousness of ATS. ---I would give you your money back but you and no one else has given me any---you take my mind boggling information for free and still complain.
Is your life free of discrepancies?
Try living in parallel lives and see how well you do.
My blog unified many of the fractured things I talked about in my first thread---I wrote the blog six mounts ago when the story was clarified for me and I waited for word to put it out there and that’s what I did.
I know a heck more now than I did a year ago and I will know a lot more in the days, weeks, months and years to come---info is ongoing.
They told us the world was flat---they lied! They said man would never fly---they lied! They say that it’s impossible that anyone can cross the vastness of space---they lie!
The vast majority still believe that last one.
Just like books are updated when more or new information becomes available this new thread and blog supersedes the last thread.
If and when I do another blog should I hesitate to publish it if some new revelations in it contradict this one?

I wrote it as I remember it, and what you find between the lines stays between the lines for those able to pick up on it. Nevertheless the big story is “as plain as the nose on their face”--- The truly blind like some skeptics will never get it---
To all my venomous and hateful detractors, thank you, you are good for one thing, you keep my thread on the front burner---
And all of the lies you people come up with to stop me from putting the truth out there is wasted time for you all---my blog is up and running and getting plenty of hits! The blog can't get hijacked as threads do, so it remains untarnished truth.
It can’t be infested with publicity seekers attempting to peddle their superior intellect-- Certainly your lies to try and stop my words are somewhat useful---I guess I’m grateful---

Most of the crowd that run with certain skeptics are fast asleep and they wish to keep others fast asleep---good for them---
There are skeptics and then there are firefighters only interested in putting out the smoke before anyone can see the fire ---believe me it's not easy sneaking information out in a world preoccupied with keeping the masses fast asleep.
For those who don’t believe-----everything I said is bogus.
Belief in my story is not integral to my existence.
What all-encompassing secret to you think I am holding out on?
There are lots of people that would like me torpedoed----it’s what makes life worth living. Obviously super-duper technology doesn’t necessarily translate into high intelligence, otherwise why would the aliens pick a bone head like me to indulge in their magic?
I apologize for putting so many people through my agonizingly cryptic, detail lacking, boring and tortuous account.
I’m not peeved at the skeptic, they made fair observations of my lack of information sharing.

I understand everyone’s frustration with my hit and miss accounts-----my quandary is do I keep torturing those who wish to know more about my “insanity” or have mercy on everyone who has been snarled by this post and bring it to an end.
That’s where I am right now. If you think I’m doing this for attention think again-----I would pay if I could undo what I have started on this post.

It doesn't take much education to be a skeptic; even a child can be one.

The level of skepticism [on this UFO board] tells me that the general public is not ready or interested in knowing what is going on. People live in a cozy bubble and have no real need to leave that make-believe world.
Can anyone really be proven sane? Or for that matter insane?
I have attempted to get my story out----no one is interested. So I post bits and pieces on this thread.
The nearer the truth I get the more preposterous it sounds so I keep it toned down and somewhat believable----still few believe.

I don't have a picture of ET handing it to me, and even if I did who would believe it?

I don't speculate or conjecture about extraterrestrials, I know they are real, and are here. Because a lot of people don't know does not negate the fact that they are real.
You can go ahead and believe we are the center of the universe if you wish---you have lots of company.

Most people wouldn't know a diamond if it weren't polished and in a display case at a jewelry store.

What if I was to ask the ETs for the cure of major illnesses, and they gave it to me and I posted it on this thread----once verified I would be considered a genius, a god, or possibly that I was telling the truth about aliens.

If I didn't experience this stuff I would be the biggest skeptic and probably would never visit UFO boards.

It's fascinating that some self-proclaimed experts on ETs are those that have admitted they have no experiences with them.
Presuming to know what others have seen or not seen or experienced or not experienced is arrogance in its purest form.
Because there is lack of proof for many does not negate the fact that thousands have the proof----been there---done that.
Perhaps those of us that know about ET-----should have known better than to talk about our experiences-----knowing how we humans get mighty envious of things we don’t have and can’t get our fingers on.
There is a big difference between healthy skepticism and spiteful jealous tantrums.

I know I am only one in thousands that have this information but the so called skeptics have outdone themselves in keeping most experiencers silenced, and they claim they want the truth---lol

The naysayer are running scared as their world crumbles around them---the leak in the dam has begun and there is no stopping the truth from flowing out---

Throwing that pixie dust metaphor out into the mass of unbelievers ignited a flurry of skeptic rebuttals that I’m still smarting from---some people have no sense of humor.

Nothing happens by chance and even the skeptics have to admit that things are getting interesting---albeit, slowly.

There have been and continue to be so called professional ufologists attempting to thrash my threads---my info threatens their bread and butter.

Through unscrupulous and illegal means some members want to release my identity on this internet site without my permission.
That info might actually benefit me because it would disclose a book about the Roswell incident that I self-published in 1997---I have not advertised that book and it languishes mostly unread. 
Should they release my identity they could be defeating their purpose to shut me up and get me national exposure.

I have been misquoted so much by detractors on this thread that I would have to spend all my waking hours just to prove them wrong---

I spend a huge amount of time defending myself against people that have not read my posts and assume I said something that I didn't---either they don't take the time to actually read what I write or they are only trying to gum up my threads with nonsense---most are trying to gum up my thread by misquoting me intentionally. And other people come around and read their intentional lies and believe them---it’s a free country and they are allowed to do that.

Most counterproductive people convince themselves they are being productive.  That’s evident with many of the skeptics on this thread---lol

Most can’t conceive in their wildest dreams or nightmares the 99.9% of existence that remains unseen.

Just because someone makes noise on an issue doesn’t necessarily mean they are part of the solution, and often they may be the problem.

Some skeptics do have a purpose and that purpose is to keep as many people in the Dark Ages as possible---and that is a legitimate purpose---there are millions of people in this world with the same job as they have because a lot of people are not ready and they need sheep dogs like them to keep them from straying away from the flock.

Nihilism is useful for the blind test thingy it’s also the skeptics’ mantra, where anything of value must ooze proof---lol
The realities of others unlike some skeptics doesn’t really change how we live our lives because as you know perceptions will always be slanted by the perceiver’s point of reference. That’s the great thing about individuality we all advance or decline at our own rate regardless of what the rest of the world is doing or perceiving.
If selfishness comes into the equation via perception by others, that too is a burden which ultimately determines whether one advances to higher planets or declines to lower planes of understanding and existence.

There is no debating with scoundrels and cowards.

All the good stuff in this universe requires either faith or experience---and neither can provide proof to the skeptic.

There are two kinds of nuts in this world, the UFO nuts and the sceptic nuts, the sceptic nuts, those in denial of the big picture, have always ruled the world and will always rule the world. The UFO nut numbers are simply not there.

If you can't see “what your ball of light would benefit from your life experiences”, then perhaps you should change occupations and find something that adds to you---otherwise you are wasting valuable time.

I came clean with the blog and with my threads and was accused by many ufo believers of writing fiction.

The category that is not on board are diehard believers of ufology, the Hollywood version and who detest my coming on here and raining on their parade, and as I stoke their anger by putting holes in their boats and sacred beliefs I create more ambassadors against the sleeper guy---lol, which is counterproductive

You have to believe that there is a heck of a lot of information that can’t just be “dumped” so easily. Things have to make sense, they have to be plausible otherwise they become or remains in the fiction category even for those who are on board---no one wants to be made a fool---even though Hollywood and politicians make fools of many of us every day.

For some of us it’s as clear as the nose on our face---lol, but we can’t see our nose unless we take a look in the mirror---and when we do we may see other things as well, like flaws, pimples, hair, blotches, etc, so we have to cover them up somehow because we don’t want the world to see us as we truly are---naturally I’m only describing myself here---
It is that obvious but it’s also easy to ignore and pretend it’s not so, because to acknowledge it means we have to change, and that takes work---it would be more preferable to most if someone would just simply change the world instead---lol

I’m more concerned with those who believe me than those who don’t---I’ve already tasted the wrath of one ATS believer who turned on me, and there have been others.
So my dilemma remains---and grows the more I push against the envelope of perceived reality---some people’s minds don’t stretch as far and as fast as others and they snap.

It’s a real experience but it drives the sceptics nuts when people like me talk about this stuff, that’s why most like me keep it to themselves I presume

Even if Milton and I did go on webcam would you believe it?

I seem to cause pain to many people who don’t get what I write---yet they follow me and my threads for more of what they don’t get and gives them indigestion---I don’t get it---

I don’t have time to read because I’m always writing, most of what I write remains unpublished and only a fraction of it ends up on threads like this one---whether anyone wants to read my books or not I’m going to publish several, so even if you or others manage to stop my threads my books will be in libraries and bookstores long after I’m off this rock---

For the vast majority non-disclosure is about all they could handle, that’s why when ufo nuts talk about this stuff to non-ufo nuts the non-ufo nuts scream and put their hands over their ears and say, “I don’t want to hear it”---lol---some of them don’t believe us crazy, they just don’t want to go crazy thinking about that kind of stuff---it’s upsetting to them.

Too bad if you can’t push the envelope a bit and stretch your mind around stuff like that-----I guess you’ll have to wait until it happens to you before you can believe-----nothing wrong with that.

I think it has been proven that hypnosis requires a willing subject----in other words most people can be hypnotized if they want to be----like quit smoking, or other human modifications.

Aliens do check the oil on skeptics too you know---

Heck, I’m not here to make everyone happy, the pay is just not high enough for that.

Anonymity can breed false courage and real stupidly---

You are not in the minority when it comes to laughing at me.

Do I exaggerate? Quite the opposite, I dumb down so much of the stuff I have seen and experienced it’s hardly worth posting.
And still I have to suffer moronic insults from numbskulls ---I’m not sure why people like me even bother---the biblical parable such as “don’t cast pearls for the swine to trample over” certainly applies---

It only bothers me when a “book burner” feels the need to keep others from reading material they don’t like---where do these people come from?
Most of the knowledge that eludes humans today had at one time been written down on stone, papyrus, and good old paper----and now the internet. Yet meat heads of old and of new continue to try and stop the written word. 

Certainly this is not always the work of humans, but many humans willingly participate in obstructing knowledge out of pure unadulterated ignorance, envy and hate.

ET sceptics are kind of like new babies when they come into this world and are faced with a new reality---they need to be slapped on their bottoms to get things going----and some wail louder than others---

There will always be children at the back of the room shooting spitballs at those in the front of the class when the teacher is not looking. Makes them feel cool---

It's certainly convenient that although there are many different alien species none of them are willing to divulge the universe's greater secrets to the thousands of people they contact. If that were true we would still be eating moths around the campfire and grunting on how much life sucked---I guess we really haven’t come all that far.

Not everyone is interested in knowing what’s out there because they are neck deep in this life-
--and some people’s past lives are baggage they need not carry while here.
For those that need to know there are plenty of hints if they care to look for them.

This thread represents a clear and present danger for certain cherished beliefs; therefore some are not happy with it, plain and simple.

Most people who read this stuff laugh it off--- they don’t understand the concept of panning for gold, nor do most have the tolerance for that tedious work that it takes---plus some are perfect and don't need improvements------they have their hate and envy down pat.

Those that can’t get their way in the real world give it a shot in the virtual world of the internet thinking that childish tantrums might be interpreted as strength and daring by their colleagues.

The people who know are the ones that have come up with terms such as swamp gas to make people feel silly so that they will go back to sleep with the rest of the sheep---it's very surprising how well those tactics work.

There are people that don’t want the truth out and their job is to stop it by ridiculing it.

Sceptics don't understand Milton types, Milton types are real and not illusions.
Insects and animals don’t comprehend the human world, humans don’t comprehend the human world nor the paranormal world.
And believe me it’s a tough curtain to lift up because of all the people standing on it and keeping it from being lifted, they like their illusions---

Most people love their illusions and I have no right to wake them up or break their bubble--when they are good and ready they can do it themselves.

Unfortunately it’s the logic angle many use to avoid seeing the truth about their nature, unless they are forced to change. In other words, life after this one simply doesn’t compute, therefore go for the gusto and screw anyone that gets in the way.

It's fun, cool, and popular to make fun of ufo nuts.
If my life is what one might call anointed then god help us all. I'll go back to ATS and get on the gloom and doom bandwagon with the rest of the paranoids because there would be no point in life or in living. If you want validity talk to the United States president, the Pope in Rome, or any number of the World leaders, or better yet the scientific community. Don't hang out on a silly ufo nut website. LOL. 
Well, I certainly would not consider the words of the President or the Pope to be valid. Who on earth tells the truth?
No human knows the truth, none, zero, nada. Milton does but he keeps most of it to himself.

I’m not here to teach or preach only to tell my experiences and answer a few questions to those interested---those not interested need not drink from this fountain.


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